KE - Test Notes
NOTE: You should enter this Pinpoint Test only when you have been directed here from Quick Test or Pinpoint Test S.REMEMBER
To prevent the replacement of good components, be aware that the following non-EEC areas may be at fault.
- Engine not up to operating temperature
- Engine over operating temperature
- A/C input (electrical problems)
- Throttle Speed Control Linkage
- Throttle sticking or linkage binding
This Pinpoint Test is intended to diagnose only the following:
- RPM in Self-Test only
- ISC Solenoid
- Harness circuits: ISC and VPWR
- Processor assembly
The Idle Speed Control (ISC) solenoid is used to control engine idle speed and dashpot functions. The ISC solenoid is mounted on the body and allows air to bypass the throttle plate. The amount of air allowed to bypass is determined by the processor and controlled by a duty cycle signal.
Adaptive IAC Strategy
The adaptive IAC strategy is designed to adjust the IAC calibration to correct for wear and aging of components. When engine conditions meet the adaptive strategy learning requirement, the strategy monitors the engine and determines the values required for Ideal idle calibration The adaptive Strategy stores these values in a reference table. This table is used by the ~M as a correction factor when controlling idle speed~. The adaptive table Is - stored in Keep Alive Memory (KAM) and retains Its learned values even after the engine Is shut off. Diagnostic Trouble Codes 415 and 416 are an indication that the IAC adaptive strategy- has reached its learning limits.