Circuit Breaker Test
1. Before connecting the circuit breaker to the volt-amp tester, touch the tester leads together and adjust the current draw, until it equals the the 8.25 amp circuit breaker is located in the fuse panel. Two separate tests are necessary to check for correct circuit breaker operation. Remove the circuit breaker from the fuse panel. Then, connect the tester leads to the circuit breaker.
Test 1
1. Before connecting the circuit breaker to the volt-amp tester, touch the tester leads together and adjust the current draw, until it equals the circuit breaker rating.
2. Connect the breaker to the tester. Leave the breaker connected to the tester for 10 minutes. Hold the current reading on the ammeter at the rated current. If the circuit breaker opens during the 10 minutes, replace the circuit breaker.
Test 2
1. Touch the tester leads together and adjust the current draw until it is twice the rated current.
2. Connect the breaker. Hold the current reading on the ammeter at twice the rated current The current reading on the ammeter should drop to zero within 30 seconds. If it takes longer than 30 seconds for the circuit breaker to open (current reading drops to zero), replace the circuit breaker.