With 4EAT
DISASSEMBLEExploded View Of Differential:
1. Disassemble differential as shown in the Exploded View Of Differential image.
Backlash Of Side Gears & Pinion Gears Measurement:
2. Check side gear and pinion gear backlash, using dial indicator 4201-C. Backlash should be 0.004 inch. If backlash is not within specifications, replace differential assembly.
3. Using suitable pin punch and hammer, place gear case on a vise and remove roll pin from pinion shaft.
CAUTION: Use protective plates to prevent damage to the differential.
4. Using gear puller D80L-630-3 or equivalent remove side bearing inner race from gear case.
5. Inspect all components for excessive wear or damage and replace as necessary.
1. Reverse procedure to assemble, noting the following:
a. If side bearing is removed, it cannot be reused.
b. Press side bearing inner race into gear case by using bearing installer tool No. T88C-77000-EH or equivalent.
c. Install thrust washers and side gears into gear case at same time, then turn them back on pinion gear and align them with pinion shaft hole.