Water Pump: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain cooling system.2. Disconnect heater hose from water pump.
3. With drive belt still tight, loosen water pump pulley to pump hub attaching bolts.
4. Remove drive belt.
NOTE: The pump pulley cannot be removed at this time due to insufficient clearance between body and pump.
5. Remove drive belt tensioner.
Fig. 22 Timing Cover & Water Pump Removal:
6. Remove 11 water pump attaching bolts, then lift the water pump and pulley assembly up and out of vehicle and remove pulley.
7. Lightly lubricate all bolts and stud threads with oil.
8. Position pulley on replacement pump, then install pump/pulley assembly. Tighten water pump bolts in sequence.
9. Install water pump pulley to pump hub.
10. Reverse procedure to install.