Steering Gear: Adjustments
NOTE: Rack yoke bearing preload is the only service adjustment required. This adjustment is performed with the steering gear removed from the vehicle.
1. Clean exterior of steering gear, then install two long bolts and washers through bushings and attach to bench fixture T57L-500-B, or equivalent.
2. Do not remove external pressure lines unless damaged or leaking. Drain power steering fluid by rotating input shaft from lock to lock two times using pinion shaft torque adapter T74P-3504-R, or equivalent. Cover ports on valve housing with a clean shop cloth while draining gear.
3. Position an inch-pound torque wrench and pinion shaft adapter T74P-3504-R, or equivalent, on input shaft splines.
Fig. 12 Loosening Yoke Plug Locknut:
4. Loosen yoke plug locknut using pinion housing yoke locknut wrench T78P-3504-H, or equivalent, then loosen yoke plug using a 3/4 inch socket wrench.
5. Clean yoke plug threads, then with rack at center of travel, torque yoke plug to 7-18 in lb.
6. Back off yoke plug approximately 1/8 turn until torque required to rotate input shaft is 7-18 in lb.
7. While holding yoke plug in position, tighten locknut using pinion housing yoke locknut wrench T78P-3504-H, or equivalent. Recheck input shaft rotating torque after tightening locknut.
8. If the external pressure lines were removed in step two, they must be replaced with new pressure lines. Remove the copper seals from the pressure ports previous to installation of new lines.
9. Remove steering gear from holding fixture, then install external pressure lines.