Attachment I - Administrative Information
OASISYou must use OASIS to determine if a vehicle is eligible for this recall.
If an owner of one of these vehicles which is not listed in OASIS believes his/her vehicle should have been included, dealers are to contact their regional office for approval and submit the claim under this program to obtain reimbursement.
Please Note:
Correct all vehicles in stock before delivery. Federal law requires dealers to complete any outstanding safety recall service before a new vehicle is delivered to the buyer or lessee. Violation of this requirement by a dealer could result in a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per vehicle.
Promptly Correct
Affected vehicles on the enclosed list.
Other eligible vehicles which are brought to your dealership.
Dealer-Owner Contact
Immediately contact any affected owner whose name is not on the list. Give owner a copy of the Owner Letter and schedule a service date.
Regional Contact
Advise regional office if:
^ an owner cannot be contacted.
^ an owner does not make a service date.
Claims Submission
Enter claims using DWE. See ACESII Manual, Sections 5 and 6.
Warranty and Policy Manual
See Sections 4.1 of the Warranty and Policy Manual.
See Section 3-62 of the ACESII Manual.