ASSEMBLY1. Clean threads of idler gear shaft and install new 0-ring.
Idler Gear Shaft Replacement:
2. Position idler gear and shaft assembly in case, install a 12mm Allen wrench in idler gear shaft and rotate it until it catches on band anchor strut.
3. Apply thread lock and sealer part No. E0AZ-19544-AA or equivalent, to idler gear bolt and tighten.
4. Install No. 1 thrust bearing (needle type), then input gear caged needle bearing (No. 2 bearing).
5. Install input gear, then install No. 3 (needle type) thrust bearing on input gear.
6. Position transfer housing in case, ensuring it is firmly seated on alignment dowels.
NOTE: Transaxle case and housing are matched parts if one is damaged both must be replaced.
7. Install new transfer housing attaching bolts and tighten to. Ensure band strut is rotated into its proper place.
8. Install No. 4 thrust washer on transfer housing, then install sun gear and drum assembly.
9. Install intermediate band, ensuring band lug engages strut.
Servo Retaining Ring Replacement:
10. Position servo piston in case and install servo remover/installer tool No. T81P-70027-A or equivalent. Compress piston spring far enough to allow installation of retaining ring.
11. Install servo retaining ring. Before removing tool, ensure piston rod has engaged band lug.
12. Position reverse clutch cylinder in case, then tap cylinder into case using a hammer handle.
13. Install reverse clutch piston into seal protector using tool No. T81P-70402-A or equivalent, then install into clutch cylinder.
14. Install No. 5 Thrust washer on planetary assembly, using petroleum jelly to hold washer in place.
15. Install planetary sun gear.
16. Install reverse clutch return spring and holder assembly, then the clutch pack wave spring.
17. Install clutch pack and pressure plate.
18. Install clutch pack retaining ring, then check clearance between ring and pressure plate.
19. Install No. 7 thrust washer on planetary assembly.
20. Install intermediate clutch hub and ring gear assembly. Rotate back and forth to fully engage.
21. Install direct clutch, then No. 10 thrust bearing (needle type).
22. Install intermediate clutch and No. 11 thrust washer. Ensure engagement by positioning bearing on one of the machined tabs and pushing it up against the case. If bearing is flush or below pump housing surface, the clutch is engaged.
23. Install alignment pins using tool No. T80L-77100-A or equivalent, then the pump housing gasket.
24. If necessary, bolt end play alignment cup tool No. T81P-77389-A to gauge bar tool No. T80L-77003 or equivalent, then position assembled tool into the intermediate clutch.
25. Using a micrometer, measure distance from top of gauge bar to top of No. 11 thrust bearing. Take measurement at two places 180° apart and use average of two measurements.
Thrust Washer Selection Chart:
Thrust Washer Thickness Chart:
26. After subtracting thickness of gauge bar, choose correct washer using charts in Thrust Washer Selection Chart and Thrust Washer Thickness Chart. Some models use a selective steel/bronze thrust washer, others have a selective nylon thrust washer that is snapped onto No. 11 thrust bearing.
27. If thrust washer thickness is no known, measure its thickness using micrometer.
28. When using a selective No. 12 nylon snap-on style thrust washer, remove No. 11 thrust bearing and snap the correct selective No. 12 nylon thrust washer onto No. 11 thrust bearing.
NOTE: The black side on No. 11 bearing must be against the inside of the No. 12 thrust washer.
29. Install bearing and washer assembly (No. 11 and 12) on the intermediate clutch cylinder, the No. 12 nylon thrust washer should be against the pump when fully assembled.
30. Position pump in case, then tap into place using a hammer handle.
31. Remove alignment pins and install seven new pump attaching bolts and sealing washers.
NOTE: The bolts and sealing washers provide the bolt seal and must not be substituted. Failure to use sealing bolts and washers may result in a transaxle fluid leak.
32. Install differential assembly and bearing spacer shim.
33. Install a new gasket on differential retainer, position it in case, and tap into place, using a hammer handle.
34. Apply thread lock and sealer E0AZ-19554-A or equivalent to threads on bearing retainer attaching bolts, then tighten bolts.
35. Position a new seal on filter and install filter.
36. Apply thread lock and sealer to filter bolts, then install filter attaching bolts and tighten.
37. Install oil pan using a new gasket, torquing pan attaching bolts.
38. Install a new seal on speedometer gear retainer; then install gear retainer in case as follows:
a. Lightly lubricate 0-ring seal on speedometer gear with speedometer gear lube D2AZ-19581-A or equivalent.
b. Align relief in retainer with retaining pin hole in case.
CAUTION: Tapping directly on speedometer gear assembly can cause damage to gear.
c. Place oil pressure sending unit socket on gear and retainer assembly.
CAUTION: Failure to use this socket can cause a repeat condition.
d. Tap socket until it makes contact with case bore, ensuring retainer maintains alignment with retaining pin hole, then tap retaining pin into case.
39. Install governor.
40. Install a new seal on governor cover, position cover on case and tap cover with a plastic-tipped hammer to seat in case.
CAUTION: Tap on flange to avoid cracking plastic cover.
41. Install cover retaining wire.
42. Position valve body gasket on case and install alignment pins tool No. T80L-77100-A or equivalent to hold gasket in place.
43. Install valve body.
44. Connect throttle valve control spring to separator plate; the spring stretches from inner lever cam to separator.
Valve Body Installation:
45. Install Z-link in manual valve while positioning valve body on case. One alignment pin has to be removed to allow the Z-Link to be installed in the manual valve. Ensure roller on end of throttle valve plunger has engaged cam on end of throttle lever shaft
46. Install alignment pin, then the detent spring, and roller assembly.
47. Install main oil pressure regulator baffle plate using long attaching bolts.
Valve Body Bolt Tightening Sequence:
48. Install transaxle control baffle plate, then tighten valve body attaching bolts in sequence shown in the Valve Body Bolt Tightening Sequence image.
49. If necessary, loosen neutral safety switch attaching bolts. With manual valve in neutral position, insert a No. 43 (0.089 inch) drill bit through neutral switch until it seats against case. Tighten attaching bolts, then remove drill bit.
50. Connect throttle lever return spring to spring anchor on throttle lever cam assembly and exposed hole extending from separator plate of valve body assembly.
51. Install alignment pins, a new valve body cover gasket, valve body cover, and cover attaching bolts, ensuring identification tag is installed in its original place. Tighten attaching bolts.
52. Install oil pump drive shaft and converter turbine sleeve.
53. Install a new seal on fluid level dipstick tube and install tube in case. Tighten tube attaching bolts.
54. Install torque converter using converter handles tool No. T81P-7902-C or equivalent.