Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

L - Z

Component Location Connector
* Denotes Information not Available.

Left Door Lock Lamp ln left door lock C508
Left Front Door Courtesy Lamp
Switch At base of LH "A" pillar C335
Left Front Door Lock Motor ln rear of LF door C506
Left Front Door Lock Switch Center of driver's door C503
Left Front Door Speaker In left front door C510
Left Front Window Motor In left front door C502
Left Instrument Panel Courtesy
Lamp Below LH side of instrument panel C256
Left Primary Crash Sensor Inside front corner of LH fender C116
Left Rear Door Courtesy Lamp
Switch At base of LH "B" pillar C337
Left Rear Door Lock Motor In rear of LR door C701
Left Rear Speaker LR side of package tray C346
Left Rear Window Motor ln LR door C702
Left Rear Window Switch Center of LR door C700
License Lamps At either side of license plate C408 C409
Low Pitch Horn In front of RH fender C143
Luggage Compartment Lamp (4 Door) Attached to trunk lid C410
Luggage Compartment Lamp (2 Door) Luggage compartment, at RH hinge C410
Luggage Compartment Lamp On trunk lid latch assembly C411
Main Light Switch
LH side of instrument panel C263
Manual Lever Position(MLP) Rear side of automatic transaxle C124
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
LH side of engine compartment, on air cleaner C174
Master Window Control Switch OnLH front door panel C503
Multi.Function Switch Top LH side of steering column C268, C269
Neutral Switch Position Top of manual transmission C180
Noise Suppression Capacitor LH front of engine, near ignition coil C148
Oil Pressure Switch Lower front of engine, at oil filter C149
Park Brake Switch Below center console, on parking brake support C328
Passive Restraint Diode Assembly Behind RH side of I/P, LH side of glove box C244
Passive Restraint Module Behind RH side of I/P, above glove box C278, C279
Power Mirror Motor In respective door C509, C608
Power Mirror Switch Inside driver's door C501
Power Steering Pressure Switch Top RH side of engine, in power steering hose C150
Powertrain Control Module
Behind LH side of instrument panel C236
Premium Sound Amplifier Below rear package tray C329, C330
Pressure Feedback EGR
(PFE) Sensor
Center front of safety wall C133
PRNDL Illumination In center console, at shifter C315
Rear Limit Switches and Motors At base of respective "B" pillar C303, C304
Rear Stop/Park Lamps Rear corners of vehicle C417
Rear Turn Lamps Rear corner of vehicle C414,C415
Rear Window Defroster Grid Adhered to rear Window C344,C345
Rear Window Defrost Relay Behind LH side of I/P, RH side of steering column C246
Right Door Lock Lamp In right door lock C607
Right Front Door Courtesy Lamp
Switch At base of RH "A" pillar C336
Right Front Door Lock Motor In rear of RF door C605
Right Front Door Lock Switch Center of RH front door C602
Right Front Door Speaker In right front door C609
Right Front Window Motor In RF door C603
Right Front Window Switch Center of RH front door C602
Right Instrument Panel Courtesy
Lamp Below RH side of I/P C270
Right Primary Crash Sensor Inside front corner of RH fender C117
Right Rear Door Courtesy Lamp
Switch At base of RH "B" pillar C338
Right Rear Door Lock Motor In rear of RR door C801
Right Rear Speaker RR side of package tray C347
Right Rear Window Motor In RR door C802
Right Rear Window Switch Center of RR door C800
Seat Belt Switch In driver's seat belt buckle C334
Shift Indicator Dimmer Relay RH side of brake pedal support C247
Shift Lock Actuator Behind LH side of I/P near fuse panel C267
Speed Control Amplifier Behind LH side of I/P next to fuse panel C212, C213
Speed Control Servo RH side of engine compartment C120
Starter Motor/Solenoid Lower LH front of engine C158
Starter Relay LH fender apron in front of strut tower C159
Steering Column Air Bag Top of steering column C264
Stop Rear/Park Lamps Rear corners of vehicle C416,C418,
STI Data Link Connector (DLC) At LH strut tower C164
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Top LH side of engine C161
Trunk Release Solenoid On trunk lid, part of latch assembly C407
Trunk Release Switch Left of glove box C262
Turn Signal Flasher Front of fuse panel C238
Vacuum Dump Valve At top of brake pedal support
Vanity Mirrors In respective sun visors C318 C319
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) LH rear side of transaxle C163
Warning Chime Module Behind LH side of I/P, RH side of steering
column C249
Washer Fluid Level Switch In RH side of washer reservoir C166
Window Safety Relay Behind LH side of I/P, above fuse panel C250
Windshield Washer Pump Behind LH side of safety wall panel, inside
washer fluid reservoir C167
Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch LH side of I/P C254
Wiper Motor RH front side of safety wall C151, C152