C181 - C408
Connector LocationC181 Behind radiator
C182 Top of cylinder #5
C183 Top of cylinder #5
C184 RH side of engine, above alternator
C199 Near VRS CID Sensor
C200 Behind LH side of I/P, near LH cowl panel
C201 Behind LH side of I/P, mounted on brake pedal support
C202 Behind LH side of I/P, near fuse panel
C203 Behind LH side of I/P
C204 Behind RH side of I/P
C205 Behind LH side of I/P, near fuse panel
C206 Behind RH side of I/P, near top of RH kick panel
C207 Behind LH side of I/P, near fuse panel
C208 Behind LH side of I/P
C209 Behind RH side of I/P, near right kick panel
C210 Clutch switch
C211 Behind LH side of I/P, near fuse panel
C212 Behind LH side of I/P, on speed control amplifier
C213 Behind LH side of I/P, on speed control amplifier
C214 Behind LH side of I/P, near steering column
C215 Horn switch (w/o speed control)
C216 Behind center of I/P, near rear sensor
C217 Behind LH side of I/P, near LH kick panel
C218 Behind LH side of I/P, near fuse panel
C219 Behind RH side of I/P, near RH cowl panel
C220 Behind LH side of I/P, next to fuse panel
C221 Behind LH side of I/P, on interval governor
C222 Behind RH side of I/P, near RH cowl panel
C223 Center of I/P
C229 In heater housing assembly, near blower motor
C230 In heater housing assembly, near blower motor
C231 Center of I/P
C232 Clutch pedal position switch #1, on clutch pedal support
C234 Below LH side of I/P, near fuse panel
C236 Behind LH side of I/P
C239 Behind LH side of I/P above fuse panel
C240 Top RH side of steering column
C242 LH side if I/P
C244 Behind RH side of I/P on passive restraint diode assembly
C246 Behind LH side of I/P RH side of steering column
C247 Behind LH side of I/P on shift indicator dimmer relay
C248 (with Speed Control) On Brake On/Off (BOO) Switch
C248 (without Speed Control) On Brake On/Off (BOO) Switch
C249 Behind LH side of I/P on warning chime module
C250 Behind LH side if I/P above fuse panel
C251 Behind LH side of I/P on standard instrument cluster
C252 Behind LH side of I/P on sport instrument cluster
C253 Behind LH side of I/P on sport instrument cluster
C257 (without Premium Sound) Behind center of I/P on electronic radio
C258 (without Premium Sound) Behind center of I/P on electronic radio
C263 Behind LH side of I/P on main light switch
C264 Behind LH side of I/P, bottom of steering column
C265 Behind lower LH side of I/P near fuse panel
C266 Behind lower LH side of I/P near fuse panel
C267 Behind I/P on brake shift interlock solenoid
C268 Top of steering column, multi-function switch
C269 Top of steering column, multi-function switch
C276 Behind LH side of I/P on air bag diagnostic module
C277 Behind LH side of I/P on air bag diagnostic module
C278 Behind RH side of I/P, on passive restraint module
C279 Behind RH side of I/P on passive restraint module
C280 Behind center of I/P on electronic radio
C281 Behind center of I/P on electronic radio
C300 Near bottom of LH "B" pillar, near left rear door courtesy switch
C301 Below driver's seat assembly
C302 Below passenger's seat assembly
C303 At base of LH "B" pillar
C304 At base of "B" pillar
C305 Below center console, near PRNDL illumination lamp
C306 Near bottom LH "B" pillar, near left rear door courtesy
C307 Near bottom of RH "B" pillar, near right rear door courtesy
C308 Near bottom of RH"B" pillar, near right rear door courtesy
C309 Under driver's seat assembly
C311 Under driver's seat assembly
C312 Under driver's seat assembly
C321 Inside driver's seat assembly
C326 Under center of rear package tray
C329 Below rear package tray, on premium sound amplifier
C330 Below rear package tray, on premium sound amplifier
C334 In drivers seat belt buckle
C315 At base of LH "A" pillar
C336 At base of RH "A" pillar
C337 At base of LH "B" pillar
C338 At base of RH "B" pillar
C339 At seat belt latch assembly
C340 In console between seats
C344 Adhered to rear window
C345 Adhered to rear window
C346 Left rear side of package tray
C347 Right rear side of package tray
C150 Near right rear door
C400 RH front of trunk
C401 RH front of trunk
C402 RH front of trunk
C403 RH front of trunk
C404 On trunk lid latch assembly, on rear of trunk
C405 Top of fuel tank
C406 In trunk on LH hinge support
C407 On trunk lid, part of latch assembly
C408 At either side of license plate