Splice LocationS100 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near Take Out (T/O) to C103
S102 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C104
S105 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to C185
S106 Fuel charge harness, in T/O to C161
S107 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C104
S108 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C128
S110 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to left front brake sensor
S111 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to C1024, C1025 and C1026
S112 Fuel charge harness, in T/O to C161
S113 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C163
S114 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C128
S115 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C163
S116 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C168
S117 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C103
S118 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C103
S120 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C103
S121 Fuel charge harness, in T/O to C161
S122 Fuel charge harness, in T/O to C161
S123 Engine control sensor harness, in I/O to C138
S124 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C122
S125 (With Distributor Ignition), Engine control sensor harness, near to C1053
S125 (With Electronic Ignition), Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C1014
S126 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C1053
S127 Engine control sensor harness, near grommet
S128 Transmission control selector neutral switch harness, in T/O to C108
S129 Engine control sensor harness, near grommet
S130 Engine control sensor harness, in T/O to C170
S131 Engine control sensor harness, in T/O to C168
S132 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C171
S133 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to power distribution box
S134 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, in T/O to power distribution box
S136 Transmission control selector neutral switch harness, in T/O to C108
S141 Fuel charge harness, in T/O to C168
S144 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C103
S161 Transmission control switch harness, below vehicle near floor grommet
S162 Transmission control switch harness, below vehicle near floor grommet
S163 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to power distribution box
S167 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to C183
S168 Engine control sensor harness, in T/O to C107 and C159
S170 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C1014
S172 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to C147 and C167
S177 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C137
S178 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C137
S179 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C122
S182 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C122
S183 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to C183
S184 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to fuel injector No. 5
S185 Fuel change harness, near T/O to C183
S191 Fuel charge harness, near T/O to C183
S192 Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C163
S195 (With Anti-Lock Brake System), Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C111
S195 (Without Anti-Lock Brake System), Dash panel to headlamp junction harness, near T/O to C128
S198 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, in T/O to C162 and C1010
S199 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, in T/O to C162 and C1010
S200 Radio amplifier harness, near T/O to C261
S201 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to G202
S202 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to G209
S203 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to G202
S205 Main harness, in T/O to C215
S206 Main harness, in T/O to C215
S207 Main harness, near T/O to ignition switch
S208 Main harness, near T/O to G200
S209 Main harness, near T/O to G2002
S210 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C2018
S211 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to C140
S212 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to G202
S213 Main harness, in T/O to C2000 and C2015
S214 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to C204
S215 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to C246
S218 Main harness, near T/O to C271
S219 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to G209
S228 Main harness, near T/O to C221 and C282
S231 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to G209
S258 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C217
S259 Main harness, in T/O to C103
S268 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to G202
S269 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to G202
S271 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C217
S283 Engine control sensor harness, near T/O to G202
S300 In radio amplifier wiring assembly
S301 Main jumper harness, in T/O to C322
S302 Main jumper harness, in T/O to C253
S303 Seat control feed jumper harness, in T/O to C315
S304 Seat control feed jumper harness, in T/O to C316
S305 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to G300
S306 Window regulator jumper, near T/O to C304
S310 Window regulator jumper harness, in T/O to C304 and C450
S312 Seat control feed jumper harness, in T/O to C306
S313 Window regulator jumper, near T/O to G301
S314 Window regulator jumper harness, below LH front seat
S316 Main jumper harness, near T/O to C341
S317 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to G300
S318 Seat control feed jumper harness, in T/O to C305
S319 Window regulator jumper harness, below LH front seat
S320 Seat control feed jumper harness, in T/O to C306
S321 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C417
S323 Seat control feed jumper harness, in T/O to C305
S324 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to G300
S325 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to G300
S327 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C440
S328 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C440
S329 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C440
S332 Window regulator jumper harness, below LH door sill
S337 Window regulator jumper harness, below LH door sill
S401 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C422
S404 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C402 and C439
S405 Hear lamp harness, near T/O to left rear stop/park/turn lamp
S406 Luggage compartment jumper harness, near T/O to C431
S412 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to remote/keyless entry module
S413 Rear lamp harness, near T/O to G401
S414 Ornament lamp feed harness, near T/O to high mount stop lamps
S416 Luggage compartment jumper harness, near T/O to C431
S417 Luggage compartment jumper, in T/O to C404
S419 (With Anti-Lock Brake System), Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C402 and C404
S419 (Without Anti-Lock Brake System), Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, in T/O to C415
S420 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, in T/O to hard ride relay
S423 Ornament lamp feed harness, near T/O to high mount stop lamps
S428 Window regulator jumper harness, below rear of LH door sill
S429 Window regulator jumper harness, below rear of LH door sill
S430 Window regulator jumper harness, below rear of LH door sill
S432 Radio amplifier harness, in T/O to C413 and C414
S433 Window regulator jumper harness, below LH door sill
S434 Luggage compartment jumper harness, near T/O to C431
S436 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C1022 and C1066
S437 Air spring suspension pressure indicator switch harness, near T/O to C1009 or C1022
S438 Window regulator jumper harness, below LH door sill
S439 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness
S440 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness
S441 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness
S442 Radio power booster and equalizer amplifier harness, near T/O to G209
S443 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to G301
S444 Near T/O for C420
S498 Window regulator jumper harness, below RH door sill
S499 Window regulator jumper harness, below RH door sill
S501 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C289
S502 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C289
S503 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C259
S602 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C603
S603 Window regulator jumper harness, near T/O to C606
S902 Rear view inside mirror harness, near T/O to dome/map lamps
S904 Rear view inside mirror harness, near T/O to left rear courtesy lamp
S906 Rear view inside mirror harness, near T/O to moonroof control switch
S907 Rear view inside mirror harness, near T/O to left rear courtesy lamp