Distributor: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Disconnect distributor from engine control sensor wiring.
2. Mark position of No. 1 cylinder distributor cap ignition wire tower on distributor base for reference when installing distributor.
3. Loosen distributor cap hold-down screws. Remove distributor cap straight off distributor to prevent damage to distributor rotor blade and spring. Position distributor cap with ignition wires away from the work area.
4. Remove distributor rotor by pulling upward to remove distributor rotor from the distributor shaft and armature.
5. Remove distributor hold-down clamp and retainer bolt. Remove distributor by pulling upward.
6. Cover distributor opening in the engine front cover with a clean shop towel to prevent the entry of foreign material or dirt into the engine.
NOTE: Before installing distributor, visually inspect distributor. Inspect the O-ring. O-ring should fit tightly and be free of cuts. The drive gear should be free of nicks, cracks, and excessive wear. Rotate distributor shaft. It should move freely, without binding.
1. Remove No. 1 cylinder spark plug and rotate crankshaft clockwise until No. 1 piston is on the compression stroke, align timing pointer with Top Dead Center (TDC) mark on the crankshaft damper.
NOTE: To install distributor correctly, No. 1 piston must be at TDC of compression stroke.
2. Align locating boss on distributor rotor with hole on armature. Fully seat distributor rotor on distributor shaft.
3. Rotate distributor shaft so blade on distributor rotor is pointing toward mark on distributor base that was previously made in Step 2 of the Removal procedure.
4. While installing, continue rotating distributor rotor slightly so leading edge of the armature vane is centered in distributor stator.
5. Rotate distributor in engine front cover to align leading edge of vane and distributor stator. Verify distributor rotor is pointing at mark on distributor base.
NOTE: If vane and distributor stator cannot be aligned by rotating distributor in engine front cover, remove distributor enough to just disengage distributor gear from camshaft sprocket. Rotate distributor rotor enough to engage distributor gear on another tooth of camshaft sprocket. Repeat Step 1 if necessary.
6. Install hold-down clamp and bolt. Tighten bolt, but leave it loose enough to rotate distributor.
7. Install distributor cap, No. 1 spark plug, and ignition wires. Check that ignition wires are securely connected to the distributor cap and spark plugs. Tighten distributor cap hold-down screws to 2.0-2.6 Nm (18-23 in lb).
8. Reconnect distributor to engine control sensor wiring.
9. Set initial engine ignition timing.
10. After engine ignition timing is set, tighten distributor hold-down bolt to 20-30 Nm (15-22 ft lb).
11. Recheck initial engine ignition timing. Adjust if necessary.