Cruise Control: Tools and Equipment
Use Super (STAR II) Tester No. 007-00041, or Inductive Dwell-Tach-Volt-Ohmmeter (VOM) 0-20 VDC No.059-00010, or equivalent to perform the IVSC Quick Test and display error codes. A Rotunda Breakout Box 014-00322 or equivalent can also be used for convenience during Pinpoint Testing.EQUIPMENT HOOKUP
Using The STAR Tester
Fig. 33 Equipment Hookup:
1. Turn ignition switch to the Off position.
2. Connect color-coded adapter cable leads to STAR tester Fig. 33.
3. Connect two service connectors from adapter cable to vehicles appropriate Self-Test connectors.
4. After equipment hookup, proceed to Self-Testing.
Using Analog Voltmeter
1. Turn ignition switch to the Off position.
2. Connect a jumper wire from Self-Test input (STI) to Pin 2, Signal Return on the Self-Test connector Fig. 33.
3. Set analog VOM on a DC voltage range to read from 0-15 volts DC. Connect VOM from battery (+) to Pin 4 Self-Test Output (STO) in the Self-Test connector.
4. After equipment hookup proceed to Self-Testing.