With AXOD-E (AX4S)
NOTE: Normal maintenance and lubrication requirements do not necessitate periodic fluid change. If vehicle is operated under abnormal conditions, fluid should be changed every 30,000 miles. If major failure has occurred in the transaxle, it will have to be removed for service. At this time the converter should be thoroughly flushed to remove any foreign matter. ERCON(R) automatic Transmission Fluid is being replaced by MERCON(R) V as a service fluid, as per TSB 06-14-4.
1. Raise and support vehicle, then position a suitable drain pan under the transaxle.
2. Loosen pump and valve body cover bolts and drain.
3. Loosen lower pan attaching bolts and drain fluid from transaxle.
4. When fluid has drained to the level of pan flange, remove pan attaching bolts working from the righthand side, allowing pan to drop and drain slowly.
5. When fluid has stopped draining, remove and clean pan and screen. Discard pan gasket.
6. Install pan using a new gasket. Torque pan attaching bolts to 10-12 ft lbs.
7. Tighten pump and valve body cover attaching bolts, then fill transaxle to correct level.