Headlamp Switch: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Pull off headlamp switch knob and remove retaining nut.
3. Remove instrument cluster finish panel as follows:
a. Engage parking brake and remove ignition lock cylinder.
b. Set tilt column lever to full down position and remove tilt lever.
c. Remove four bolts, then the cover and reinforcement assembly from under steering column.
d. Remove steering column trim shrouds, then disconnect all electrical connections from steering column multi-function switch.
e. Remove two multi-function switch retaining screws, then the switch.
f. Pull gear shift lever to its lowest down position.
g. Remove four cluster opening finish panel retaining screws.
h. Pull finish panel away from instrument panel, then disconnect wiring from switches, clock and warning lamps.
4. Remove two headlamp switch to instrument panel retaining screws.
5. Pull switch out of instrument panel, then disconnect electrical connector and remove switch.
6. Reverse procedure to install.