1. Raise vehicle on frame contact hoist using lift pads located rearward of front wheels and forward of rear wheels. Raise hoist only enough to contact body.2. Working inside trunk, loosen, but do not remove, three strut to inner body attaching nuts.
3. Raise vehicle, then remove tire and wheel assembly.
4. Remove and discard tension strut to spindle attaching nut.
5. Remove and discard tension strut to body attaching nut.
6. While moving spindle rearward, remove tension strut.
Fig. 7 Tension Strut Bushing Installation:
7. Install new inner washers and bushings on both ends of tension strut.
8. Install tension strut end into body bracket, then install outer bushing, washers and nut. Do not tighten nut at this time.
9. While moving spindle rearward, install tension strut in spindle, then install outer bushing, washer and nut.
10. Ensure bushings are properly seated in mountings.
11. Support spindle with suitable jack stand, then working inside trunk, remove three strut to inner body attaching nuts. Install new nuts and tighten to specifications.
12. Remove jack stand, then install tire and wheel assembly.
13. Lower vehicle.