C2000 - C4001
Connector LocationC2000 Behind center of Instrument Panel (I/P), on rear window defrost control
C2001 Lower RH side of steering column, on connector bracket
C2002 Behind LH side of I/P, on brake on/off (BOO) switch
C2004 Behind top LH side of I/P on warning lamps module
C2005 Behind RH side of I/P
C2006 Behind RH side of I/P on auxiliary power
C2007 Under LH side of I/P on left I/P courtesy lamp
C2008 Under RH side of I/P on right I/P courtesy lamp
C2009 Behind top center of I/P on clock
C2010 Behind RH side of I/P near passenger's air bag
C2011 Center of I/P on I/P cigar lighter lamp
C2012 Behind center of I/P, on A/C-heater mode switch Illumination
C2013 Behind center of I/P on I/P cigar lighter
C2015 Behind center of I/P on I/P cigar lighter
C2016 Behind RH side of I/P in glove box, on glove box lamp
C2018 Behind center of I/P on A/C-heater mode switch
C2019 Behind center of I/P on blower motor switch
C2020 Behind center of I/P on temperature control potentiometer
C2021 Behind LH side of I/P on data link connector (DLC)
C2026 Behind LH side of I/P on lighting control module
C2027 Behind LH side of I/P on lighting control module
C2028 Behind LH side of I/P on lighting control module
C2029 Behind LH side of I/P on lighting control module
C4001 Center rear of trunk lid, on rear flasher