Engine: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery cables.2. Mark position of hood hinges and remove hood.
3. Drain cooling system and discharge A/C system.
4. Relieve fuel system pressure, then disconnect fuel lines.
5. Remove engine cooling fan, shroud and radiator, then remove wiper module and bracket.
Engine & Transmission Harness Connectors:
6. Remove air inlet tube and 42-pin electrical harness connector from bracket at brake vacuum booster.
7. Disconnect 42-pin connector and transmission harness electrical connector, then position connectors aside.
8. Disconnect accelerator, speed control cables and throttle valve cable.
9. Disconnect purge solenoid electrical connector and vacuum hose.
10. Disconnect power distribution and starter relay power supply.
11. Disconnect vacuum hose from throttle body port.
12. Disconnect heater hoses, then the alternator electrical harness at fender apron and junction box.
A/C Compressor Lines Removal:
13. Using tool T81P-19623-G1, G2 or equivalent, remove A/C compressor inlet and outlet attaching hoses.
14. Disconnect EVO sensor electrical connector from power steering pump.
15. Disconnect body ground strap at dash panel, then raise and support vehicle, then drain engine oil.
16. Disconnect exhaust pipes at manifolds, then lower exhaust system and suspend with wire from crossmember.
Transmission Line Bracket Assembly Removal:
17. Remove transmission line bracket attaching nut, then remove engine to transmission knee braces attaching bolts and stud.
18. Remove starter motor, then disconnect power steering pump from engine and position aside.
19. Remove plug to access torque converter attaching nuts, then rotate crankshaft to remove nuts.
20. Remove six engine to transmission attaching bolts.
21. Remove engine mount through bolts.
22. Lower vehicle and support transmission with suitable jack.
Engine Lift Bracket Installation:
23. Install engine lift brackets, then connect suitable lift equipment.
24. Carefully raise engine and separate from transmission, then remove engine from engine compartment.
25. Reverse procedure to install.