Radiator Hoses (Lower)
Radiator Hose - Lower
1. Raise vehicle.
2. Drain cooling system.
3. Disconnect coolant recovery reservoir return hose from lower radiator hose.
4. Remove three rear screws retaining lower splash shield to radiator support.
5. Compress clamp tangs and remove lower radiator hose from water pump on 3.0L (2V) or water inlet housing on 3.0L (4V). Remove lower radiator hose.
CAUTION: Make sure the clamps are beyond the bead and placed in the center of the clamping surface of the connections.
1. Position the clamps at least 3.2 mm (0.125 inch) from each end of hose. Coat the connection areas with an approved water-resistant sealer.
2. Compress clamp tangs and install lower radiator hose on water pump on 3.0L (2V) or water inlet housing on 3.0L (4V).
3. Compress clamp tangs and install lower radiator hose onto radiator.
4. Install three rear screws retaining lower splash shield to radiator support.
5. Install coolant recovery reservoir return hose to lower radiator hose. Tighten clamp.
6. Lower vehicle.
7. Fill cooling system.