Repair and Diagnosis: Technical Service Bulletins
- How to Find Technical Service Bulletins by Category/Symptom
- Recalls
- Generals
- Campaign - Cooling System By-Pass Kit Installation
- Campaign - Cooling System By-Pass Installation
- Overview
- Dealer Letter
- Attachment I - Administrative Information
- Attachment II - Labor and Parts Information
- Attachment III - Technical Information
- Owner Letter
- Supplement # 1 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 1 - Attachment II
- Supplement # 2 - Dealer Letters
- Supplement # 3 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 4 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 5 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 5 - Attachment I
- Supplement # 5 - Attachment II
- Supplement # 5 - Attachment III
- Supplement # 5 - Dealer Letter
- Campaign - Tailgate Applique Inspection/Replacement
- Safety
- Recall 96V016000: Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch
- Recall - Incorrect Fuel Tank
- Recall 98V067000: Incorrect Fuel Tank Installed
- Recall 01V075000: Headlamp Switch Knob Defect
- Recall - Brake Fluid Indicator Switch Replacement
- Recall 96V166000: Parking Pawl Defect
- Recall 96V086000: Park Pawl Occasionally Does Not Engage
- Recall 96V176000: Park Pawl May Not Engage
- Recall - A/T Park Pawl Inspection/Replacement
- Recall - A/T AX4S/AX4N Park Pawl Inspection/Replacement
- Recall - A/T AX4N Park Mechanism Inspection
- Recall - Airbag Deactivation Switch Durability Concern
- Recall - Airbag Deactivation Shunt Replacement
- Generals
- Customer Interest
- Cooling System - Corrosion/Contamination/Overheating
- Air Conditioning - Musty/Mildew Type Odors
- A/C System - Musty/Mildew Odors
- Front Suspension - Popping/Clunking/Thumping
- A/T - TCC Not Engaging, DTCs P0741 or P1744
- Fuel Pump - Whine Heard Through Radio Speakers
- Engine - Hard Start/Long Crank Time
- Engine - No Start Condition
- Audio System - Whining/Buzzing Noise From Speakers
- Engine - MIL ON/DTC's P0300/P0306 Set
- Front Struts - Thump/Clunk/Chuckle Noise
- Front Suspension - Squeak or Groan
- Radio - Am Band Static While Driving
- Steering - Steering Wheel Nibble Between 45 and 75 MPH
- Exhaust System - Rattling Noise During Acceleration
- Suspension - Shudder On Acceleration From Standstill
- Rear Tire - Inner Edge Wear
- Front Suspension - Clunking Noise
- Power Windows - Stick/Do Not Operate
- A Pillar - Wind Noise at Highway Speeds
- A Pillar/Windshield - Wind Noise
- Side Doors - Wind Noises
- Headliner - Sags in Rear
- A/T - AX4S/AX4N Driveline Noises
- Engine Controls - Engine Surge/Rolling Idle/DTC's Set
- Engine - No Start or Stall
- Engine - Cold Hesistation/Stumble/MIL ON
- Engine - Hard Starting/Long Crank/Stalling
- Engine - Lean Driveability Symptoms
- Antilock Brake System - Lamp ON/DTC's C1165/C1175
- Engine - Stall On Deceleration/Intermittent Stall
- PCM - MIL ON/DTCs From P0300 to P0308 Set
- PCM - Power Shuffle/Surge Between 45 and 60 MPH
- A/T - AX4S Harsh 3-2 Downshifts During Braking
- PCM - MIL ON/ DTC's Set/Spark Knock
- PCM - Long Crank/Slow Start/MIL ON/DTC's Set
- Engine - High Idle/Surge/Power Shuffle/Stall
- Door Handles - High Effort/Rough Feel When Operating
- Interior Door Panel Lamp Housing - Broken
- Fuel Gauge - Erratic Operation
- EVAP System - MIL ON/Code 0446 Set
- Windshield - Water Leaks
- Exhaust System - Buzzing/Rattling Noise
- Steering Wheel - Grunt or Honk Noise/Vibration
- A/T - Intermittent Neutral Condition/No Forward/Reverse
- A/T - AX4N No 4th Gear/DTC's P0734/P0761/648 Set
- A/T - AX4S Extended/No 2-3 Shift
- A/T - AX4S/AX4N Codes Stored After Replacement
- Accessory Drive Belt - Noise/Slipping/Charge Lamp ON
- A/T - Harsh 3-2 Downshift/Shudder On Acceleration/Turns
- Power Steering - Reduction of Assist While in Gear
- Instrument Panel - Separation of Layers
- Paint - Rough Texture
- A/T - Inadvertent Shift Interlock Disabling
- Subframe - Retention Nuts Spin During Removal
- Frame - Clunk on Heavy Acceleration or Deceleration
- A/T - AX4N Clicking Noise On Reverse Engagement
- Cabin Filter - Water Leaking Into Passenger Area
- A/C - Erratic Cool/Warm Function Operation
- Chemicals,Additives
- Labor/Parts Updates
- Safety
- Seals, Gaskets
- Superceded Bulletins
- 97-14-13 - 07/07/97
- Power Windows - Inoperative
- Instrument Panel - Layer Separation
- Leather Seat - Cleaning Procedure Tips
- Seat Leather - Cleaning Procedure
- Paint - Industrial Fallout/Iron Particle Removal
- Locks - Lock Service Package Availability
- Locks - Lock Service Kit Availability
- Locks - Lock Service Kits Availability
- Lock Components - Replacement/Repair Tips
- Side Doors - Wind noise Service Tip
- Side Doors - Wind Noise Service Tip
- Side Door - Wind Noise Service Tips
- Side Doors - Wind Noise
- Door Panels - Proper Removal Procedure
- Outside Door Handle - Stiff or Rough Operation
- Passive Antitheft System (PATS) - Diagnostics Tips
- Passive Antitheft System - Diagnostic Tips
- Passive Antitheft System (PATS) - Diagnostic Tips
- Passive Anti Theft System - Diagnostic Service Tips
- A/C - Musty and Mildew Type Odors
- A/C - Musty/Mildew Type Odors
- A/C - Identification Of Non Approved Refrigerants
- Air Conditioning - Musty Odors
- Blower Motor - Chirping/Squeaking At Low Speeds
- Blower Motor - Chirping or Squeaking Noise
- Subframe Retention Nuts - Spin During Removal
- Steering - Steering Nibble/Steering Wheel Movement
- Wire Splicing And Wire Harness- Terminal Repair Kit
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit/Wire Splice Procedure
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair And Wire Splice Kit
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit/Wire Splice Repair
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit/Splice Procedure
- Wire Harness - New Terminal Repair Kit
- Passive Antitheft System - Diagnostic Service Tip
- Brakes - Roughness/Vibration
- Brake Rotor - Hub Mounted Machining Equipment
- Brakes - Rotor/Drum Sanding Elimination
- Battery - Discharged/Excessive Current Drain
- A/T - New Transmission Cooler Flusher/Service Tip
- A/T - AX4S Harsh 1-2 Shift Diagnostics
- A/T - Harsh Shifts/Engagements/ DTC's Set
- A/T - AX4S/AX4N Driveline Noise Service Tips
- A/T - AX4N TCC Not Engaging/DTC P0741/P1744 Set
- A/T - AX4S Revised Thrust Washer Tabs, Service Tip
- Shift Interlock (BRAKE) - Inadvertent Disabling
- Brake Shift Interlock - Inadvertent Disabling
- A/T - AX4S Different Clutch Hub Spline Lengths
- A/T - AX4S Late or No 2nd - 3rd Gear Shift
- A/T - AX4N TCC Not Engaging/Codes Stored
- A/T - AX4S Harsh 3rd to 2nd Gear Downshift
- PCM - MIL ON/Codes P0300 To P0308 in Memory
- PCM - Reprogramming Service Tip
- Fuel Economy - Customer Expectations Vs. Vehicle Usage
- Speaker - Whining/Buzzing Noise
- Speakers - Whining/Buzzing Noise
- Fuel - Volatility Related Driveability Information
- ABS System - Lamp ON/Trouble Codes C1165/C1175 set
- PCM - MIL ON/DTCs from P0300 to P0308 Set
- PCM - MIL ON/DTC's P0300 Through P0308 Set
- PCM - MIL ON/DTCs P0300 Through P0308 in Memory
- Power Steering - Reduction in Assist
- Power Steering - Reduction In Power Assist
- PCM - Out Of Vehicle Reprogramming
- Engine - Stall or Hard Start After 1 to 4 Hour Soak
- Engine - Long Cranking Time To Start/Stall
- Engine - Long Crank/Stall After Hot Soak
- Engine - Hard Start/Stall After 1 to 4 Hour Soak
- Exhaust System - Buzzing/Rattling Noises
- Exhaust System - Rattling/Buzzing Noise
- Cooling System - Multiple Concerns
- Cooling System - Multiple Cooling System Concerns
- Heater Core - Repeated Failure
- Engine - Cylinder Head Straightedge Flatness Check
- Engine Oil Pan - Oil Leaks After Repair
- Engine - Oil Leak From Oil Pan Gasket
- A/T - Fluid Application Charts
- A/C - Refrigerant Filtering Service Tips
- A/C System - Refrigerant Filtering Service Tips
- Brakes - Vibration Prevention Service tip
- Engine - Oil Recommendations/Applications
- Power Steering - Grunting/roaning Noise
- Power Steering - Grunting or Groaning Noise
- Steering - Grunting/Groaning On Steering Wheel Return
- Accessory Drive Belt - Slippage/Noise
- A/T - Transmission Fluid Usage Charts
- Automatic Transmission - Fluid Usage Charts
- A/C - R134A Tracer Dye Factory Installed
- A/C - Non Approved Refrigerants
- A/C - Approved/Alternate Refrigerants
- A/C - Identification of Non-Approved Refrigerants
- A/C - Identifying Non-Approved Refrigerants
- Engine - High Idle/Stall/Surge/Harsh Gear Engagement
- Engine - Stall on Trans Engagement/Surge
- Engine - Stalls on Deceleration
- All Technical Service Bulletins
- A/C System - Service TSB List
- A/C Pressure Switches - Obsolete Parts Return
- Cooling System - Corrosion/Contamination/Overheating
- Air Conditioning - Musty/Mildew Type Odors
- EATC - Service Tips
- A/C - Filtering Refrigerant After Compressor Replacement
- A/C System - Musty/Mildew Odors
- A/C System - Diagnosis and Service Tips
- Front Suspension - Popping/Clunking/Thumping
- A/T - TCC Not Engaging, DTCs P0741 or P1744
- Aluminum Engine - New Cleaners/Service Tips
- Campaign - Cooling System By-Pass Kit Installation
- Campaign - Cooling System By-Pass Installation
- Overview
- Dealer Letter
- Attachment I - Administrative Information
- Attachment II - Labor and Parts Information
- Attachment III - Technical Information
- Owner Letter
- Supplement # 1 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 1 - Attachment II
- Supplement # 2 - Dealer Letters
- Supplement # 3 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 4 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 5 - Dealer Letter
- Supplement # 5 - Attachment I
- Supplement # 5 - Attachment II
- Supplement # 5 - Attachment III
- Supplement # 5 - Dealer Letter
- Electrical - New Terminal Grease Released For Service
- Fuel Pump - Whine Heard Through Radio Speakers
- Engine - Hard Start/Long Crank Time
- Engine - No Start Condition
- Audio System - Whining/Buzzing Noise From Speakers
- Brake and Rotor - Service Tips
- Engine - MIL ON/DTC's P0300/P0306 Set
- Relay Equipped Subsystems - Diagnostics/Tips
- Heater Core - On Car Pressure Test For Warranty Claim
- Front Struts - Thump/Clunk/Chuckle Noise
- Front Suspension - Squeak or Groan
- Radio - Am Band Static While Driving
- Steering - Steering Wheel Nibble Between 45 and 75 MPH
- Engine - Aluminum Block/Head Machining
- Engine - Cylinder Head Straightedge Surface Check
- Engine Cooling Fan Module - Service Information
- Engine - Rear Main Seal Removal Service Tip
- Exhaust System - Rattling Noise During Acceleration
- Suspension - Shudder On Acceleration From Standstill
- Rear Tire - Inner Edge Wear
- Front Suspension - Clunking Noise
- Lug Nuts - Proper Installation/Torqueing Procedure
- Power Windows - Stick/Do Not Operate
- A Pillar - Wind Noise at Highway Speeds
- A Pillar/Windshield - Wind Noise
- Side Doors - Wind Noises
- Headliner - Sags in Rear
- A/T - AX4S/AX4N Driveline Noises
- Torque Converter - Cleaning and Replacement Guidelines
- A/T - Flushing Oil Cooler And Lines
- A/T - Cooler Flushing Service Tips
- A/T Torque Converter - Leak Test Procedure
- Fuel Injectors - Non Warranty Reimbursement Testing
- Engine Controls - Engine Surge/Rolling Idle/DTC's Set
- Engine - No Start or Stall
- PCM - Reprogramming Tips
- Engine - Cold Hesistation/Stumble/MIL ON
- PCM - Reprogramming Out of Vehicle
- Emissions/Engine Controls - Driveability Diagnosis
- EGR DPFE Sensor - Voltage Range Revision
- Engine - Hard Starting/Long Crank/Stalling
- Mass Air Flow Sensor - Assembly Replacement
- Engine - Lean Driveability Symptoms
- ABS System - No Start/No Crank/Battery Discharged
- Antilock Brake System - Lamp ON/DTC's C1165/C1175
- Recall 96V016000: Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch
- Engine - Stall On Deceleration/Intermittent Stall
- PCM - MIL ON/DTCs From P0300 to P0308 Set
- PCM - Power Shuffle/Surge Between 45 and 60 MPH
- A/T - AX4S Harsh 3-2 Downshifts During Braking
- PCM - MIL ON/ DTC's Set/Spark Knock
- PCM - Long Crank/Slow Start/MIL ON/DTC's Set
- Engine - High Idle/Surge/Power Shuffle/Stall
- Recall - Incorrect Fuel Tank
- Recall 98V067000: Incorrect Fuel Tank Installed
- Door Handles - High Effort/Rough Feel When Operating
- Interior Door Panel Lamp Housing - Broken
- Brakes - Elimination Of Sanding Rotors And Drums
- Hub-Mount Brake Rotor Machining Equipment
- Fuel Gauge - Erratic Operation
- Recall 01V075000: Headlamp Switch Knob Defect
- Engine Head Gasket - Approved Replacement Procedures
- Engine - Oil Pan Gasket Replacement Revision
- Antilock Brakes - Cycling On Rough Roads
- Recall - Brake Fluid Indicator Switch Replacement
- A Pillar - Creaking Noise
- Antitheft System - Diagnostic Procedures/Service Tips
- PATS System - Diagnostic Service Tips
- EVAP System - Diagnosis and Testing
- NGS Tester - Incorrect Display During Diagnostics
- EVAP System - MIL ON/Code 0446 Set
- Door Hinges - Correct Service Procedure Tip
- Interior Door Trim Panel - Replacement Tip
- Windshield/Interior Glass - Fog/Film
- Windshield - Water Leaks
- Windshield Wiper Blade - Refill Element Availability
- Rear View Mirror - Reattachment
- Motor Oil - Viscosity Grade Recommendation
- Engine Oil - Oil Recommendations/Applications
- Engine Coolant - Propylene Glycol Recommendations
- Exhaust System - Buzzing/Rattling Noise
- Steering Wheel - Grunt or Honk Noise/Vibration
- A/T - Intermittent Neutral Condition/No Forward/Reverse
- A/T - AX4N No 4th Gear/DTC's P0734/P0761/648 Set
- A/T - AX4S Transaxle Different Spline Lengths
- A/T - AX4S Extended/No 2-3 Shift
- A/T - AX4N Green Tag Service Procedures
- A/T - AX4S/AX4N Codes Stored After Replacement
- A/T - Transmission Flush and Fill Tool Available
- A/T - Engine Vacuum Testing
- A/T - How To Use A Pressure Gauge
- A/T - AXOD, AX4S (AXODE) Revised Forward Sprag Race
- A/T - AX4S (AXODE) Rear Sun Gear Bearing
- A/T - AXOD, AXODE, AX4S, AX4N Revised Spline Drive Joint
- A/T - Case Breakage at Rear Planet Support Snap-Ring
- A/T - Slipping or No-Shift/Metal Sealing Rings
- A/T - Front Bushing Wear
- A/T - Math Formulas Part I
- A/T - Twenty Steps To Successful Repairs
- A/T - Math Part II
- A/T - Choosing the Right ATF
- Accessory Drive Belt - Noise/Slipping/Charge Lamp ON
- A/T - Harsh 3-2 Downshift/Shudder On Acceleration/Turns
- A/T - AX4S/AX4N New Transaxle Fluid
- A/T - Mercon V ATF Usage
- Power Steering - Reduction of Assist While in Gear
- Rotunda Transmission Tester Cable - Service Tip
- Air Bag Sliding Contact - Service Tips
- Instrument Panel - Separation of Layers
- Engine - New Gasket Sealer
- Engine - Oil System Priming Procedures
- Wire Harness - Terminal Repair Kit
- Fuel Economy - Customer Expectation vs. Vehicle Usage
- Remote Keyless Entry - Diagnostic Service Tips
- Keyless Entry System - Service Tips
- Locks - Lock Service Packages Available
- Paint - Color Codes/Cross References
- Paint - Rough Texture
- A/T - Inadvertent Shift Interlock Disabling
- Subframe - Retention Nuts Spin During Removal
- Electrical Diode - Identification and Replacement
- Cooling System - Drain Plug on Block is Oversized
- Recall 96V166000: Parking Pawl Defect
- Recall 96V086000: Park Pawl Occasionally Does Not Engage
- Recall 96V176000: Park Pawl May Not Engage
- Recall - A/T Park Pawl Inspection/Replacement
- Recall - A/T AX4S/AX4N Park Pawl Inspection/Replacement
- Recall - A/T AX4N Park Mechanism Inspection
- Frame - Clunk on Heavy Acceleration or Deceleration
- A/C - R134a Tracer Dye and Three O Ring Spring Couplers
- A/C - Identification of Non Approved Refrigerants
- A/T - AX4N Clicking Noise On Reverse Engagement
- Cabin Filter - Water Leaking Into Passenger Area
- A/C O Ring - Availability and Applications
- A/C - New O Ring Applications
- A/T - AX4S Revised Thrust Washer tabs
- Trailer Wiring - Installation Procedures
- Campaign - Tailgate Applique Inspection/Replacement
- Brakes - New Silicone Compound/Grease
- Brakes - Vibration/Inspection Service Tips
- Fuel - California Reformulated Gasoline
- Fuel - Volatility Related Driveability Concerns
- Recall - Airbag Deactivation Switch Durability Concern
- Recall - Airbag Deactivation Shunt Replacement
- A/C - Erratic Cool/Warm Function Operation
- Door Panel - Removal Procedure Service Tip
- Remote Antitheft Personality Transmitter - Reprogramming
- A/C - Refrigerant Oil Refill Capacity
- Seat Leather - Cleaning Procedure Tips
- A/T - AX4S New Design Gaskets
- A/T - AX4N New Design Transmission Gaskets
- Steering - Mercon V(R) Fluid Usage
- Comprehensive Noise/Vibration/Harshness Procedure
- Overview
- Description and Operation
- Diagnosis and Testing
- Overview
- Diagnostic Process
- 1. Customer Interview
- 2. Pre-Drive Check
- 3. Preparing For the Road Test
- 4. Verify the Customer Concern
- 5. Road Test
- 6. Check OASIS/TSBs/Repair History
- 7. Diagnostic Procedure
- NVH Condition and Symptom Categories
- Symptom Charts
- Pinpoint Tests
- Overview
- Pinpoint Test A: Brake Vibration/Shudder Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test B: Engine Ticking Noise Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test C:Front ENG. ACC. Drive (Fead) Bearing Hoot Diag.
- Pinpoint Test D: Power Steering Moan Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test E: Engine Driven Cooling Fan Moan Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test F: Drumming Noise Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test G: Engine Ticking, Knock/Continuous Rattle Diag.
- Pinpoint Test H: Front Suspension Noise Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test I: Rear Suspension Noise Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test J: Wheel and Tire Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test K: High Speed Shake or Shimmy Diagnosis
- Pinpoint Test L: Clutch Vibration
- Pinpoint Test M: Transfer Case Vibration
- Component Tests
- Tire Wear Patterns & Frequency Calculations
- General Procedures