Vehicle Certification Label
Typical United States Vehicle Certification Label
Typical Canada Vehicle Certification Label
Typical Mexico Vehicle Certification Label
The vehicle certification label is affixed on the LH front door lock panel or door pillar. The upper half of the label contains:
- The name of manufacturer.
- Month and year of manufacture.
- Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR).
- Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).
- The certification statement.
- The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
The remaining information on the vehicle certification label contains the following vehicle identification codes:
- Color
- Body type
- Brake type
- Moulding
- Tape stripe or paint stripe
- Interior trim
- Radio type
There Are also the following codes:
- Axle ratio
- Transmission
- Springs
- District sales office
- Special order codes
Exterior Paint Color Codes
Body Type Codes
Body type codes do not appear on late production vehicle certification labels.
Brake Type Codes
Moulding Codes
Moulding codes do not appear on late production vehicle certification labels.
Interior Trim (Fabric) Codes
Interior Trim (Color) Codes
Radio Type Codes
Axle Ratio codes
Transmission Codes
Suspension Spring Code
District Codes
Special Order Codes