D - Pedal Goes Down Fast
D1- Pedal Feel- Road test vehicle and apply brake pedal.
- Was brake pedal effort normal ?
YES - Vehicle OK.
NO - Go to D2.
D2- Brake Fluid Level
- Check brake master cylinder reservoir fluid level.
- Is fluid level acceptable ?
YES - Go to D3.
NO - Check brake master cylinder reservoir sealing points. Testing and Inspection Add fluid and bleed system. Refer to Hydraulic System.
D3- Pressurize System
- Pump brake pedal rapidly five times.
- Does the brake pedal height build up and then hold ?
YES - Check brake adjustment and adjust if necessary. If condition still exists, bleed system and repeat D1.
NO - Go to D4.
D4- Brake System Leakage
- Check external brake system for leakage. Testing and Inspection
- Were system leaks found ?
YES - Service as necessary, add fluid and bleed system then go to D1.
NO - Go to D5.
D5- Master Cylinder Bypass Test
- Perform Brake Master Cylinder - Bypass Condition Test. Bypass Conditions Test
- Was a concern found ?
YES - Replace damaged parts, add brake fluid and bleed system then repeat D1.
NO - System OK.