Cylinder Head Assembly: Service Precautions
CAUTION:Camshaft Sprockets
The camshaft sprockets (6256) should only be disassembled from the camshafts when one of the components is to be replaced.
Interference Type Engine
This is NOT a free-wheeling engine, if it has jumped time, there will be damage to the valves and pistons (6108) and will require the removal of the cylinder heads.
Main Bearing Caps
To maintain proper main bearing bore alignment, all main bearing caps must be loosened and tightened as a unit. DO NOT loosen, remove, install and tighten one cap at a time.
Valve/Piston Damage
At no time, when the timing chain(s) are removed and the cylinder heads (6049) are installed, may the crankshaft (6303) and camshafts (6250) be rotated. Failure to follow these directions will result in valve and/or piston damage.