^ If one rear suspension arm and bushing requires replacement, also replace the opposite rear suspension arm and bushing.
^ If both rear suspension arm and bushings and both rear suspension lower arms are to be removed at the same time, remove both rear springs.
^ Refer to Lower Arm procedure to neutralize arm bushings and to improve rear axle assembly Noise, Vibration, Harshness (NVH) characteristics.
^ If both rear suspension arm and bushings are to be replaced, remove and replace one rear suspension arm and bushing at a time. This must be done to prevent the axle from rolling or slipping sideways. Rolling or slipping might occur with both rear suspension arm and bushings removed, making replacement difficult.
1. Raise the vehicle and support the frame side rails with jackstands.
2. Support the rear axle assembly.
3. Lower the rear axle assembly and support the rear axle assembly under differential pinion nose as well as under rear axle assembly.
4. Unsnap parking brake rear cable and conduit from upper arm retainer.
5. Remove and discard the nut and bolt retaining the rear suspension arm and bushing to the rear axle assembly housing. Disconnect the rear suspension arm and bushing from the housing.
6. Remove and discard the nut and bolt that secures the rear suspension arm and bushing to the frame bracket and remove the rear suspension arm and bushing.
1. Hold the rear suspension arm and bushing in place on the front arm bracket and install a new retaining bolt and a new self-locking nut. Do not tighten the nut at this time.
2. Secure the rear suspension arm and bushing to the rear axle assembly with a new retaining bolt and nut. Bolt must be pointed toward front of vehicle.
3. Raise the suspension with hoist, until rear suspension arm and bushing rear pivot hole is in position with hole in axle bushing. Install a new pivot bolt and nut with nut facing inboard.
4. Tighten the rear suspension arm and bushing-to-axle pivot bolt to 128-172 Nm (95-126 ft. lbs.) and the rear suspension arm and bushing-to-frame pivot bolt to 128-172 Nm (95-126 ft. lbs.).
5. Snap parking brake rear cable and conduit into rear suspension arm and bushing retainer.
6. Remove supports from frame and rear axle assembly and lower vehicle.