Accessing Trouble Codes
The STAR Tester 007-0004, the Super STAR II Tester 007-00041, or equivalents, are required to properly diagnose and test this system.
NOTE: Do not use Super STAR Tester 007-00019.
NOTE: Ford Does not provide a procedure to retieve diagnostic trouble codes without a Super Star II tester.
Data Link Connector (DLC):
Connect scan tool to Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC) which will be found in the trunk compartment near the air suspension ON/OFF switch. Follow tool manufacturer's instructions for installation and operation of the tool.
Data Link Connector (DLC):
Air suspension diagnostics should proceed in a logical sequence. First, perform Auto Test/Service Bay Diagnostics, then proceed to Functional Tests.
Record any Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) found during these diagnostic procedures, then refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code Interpretation for DTC tables and recommended additional pinpoint tests.