Brake System Bleeding
Bleed the brake system as follows:^ First, perform either a manual or a pressure bleed.
^ Second, bleed the anti-lock brake system.
^ Third, perform another manual or pressure bleed.
The primary and secondary (front and rear) hydraulic brake systems are individual systems and are bled separately. Bleed the longest tube first on the individual system being serviced. During the complete bleeding operation, DO NOT allow the brake master cylinder reservoir to run dry. Keep the master cylinder reservoirs filled with High Performance DOT-3 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid C6AZ-1 9542-AB or DOT-3 equivalent meeting Ford specification ESA-M6C25-A. Never reuse brake fluid that has been drained from the hydraulic system or has been allowed to stand in an open container for an extended period of time.
1. To bleed the brake system, position a suitable box wrench on the bleeder fitting on the brake wheel cylinder. Attach a rubber drain tube to the bleeder fitting. The end of the tube should fit snugly around the bleeder fitting.
2. Submerge the free end of the tube in a container partially filled with clean brake fluid and loosen the bleeder fitting approximately 3/4 of a turn.
3. Have an assistant push the brake pedal down slowly through its full travel. Close the bleeder fitting; then return the brake pedal to full-release position. Repeat this operation until air bubbles cease to appear at the submerged end of the bleeder tube.
For pressure bleeding, use a bladder-type bleeder tank only, such as Rotunda Brake Bleeder 104-00064 or equivalent.
Bleed the longest tubes first. The bleeder tank should contain enough new brake fluid to complete the bleeding operation. Use High Performance DOT-3 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid C6AZ-19542-AB or DOT-3 equivalent fluid meeting Ford specification ESA-M6C25-A. Never reuse brake fluid that has been drained from the hydraulic system. The tank should be charged with approximately 69-206 kPa (10-30 psi) of air pressure.
Never exceed 344 kPa (50 psi) pressure or damage to brake system may occur.
1. Clean all dirt from the master cylinder reservoir cover.
2. Remove the brake master cylinder reservoir cover. Fill the master cylinder reservoir with the specified brake fluid. Install the pressure bleeder adapter tool to the brake master cylinder and attach the bleeder tank hose to the fitting on the adapter. Master cylinder pressure bleeder adapter tools can be obtained from various manufacturers. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer to install the adapter.
3. If the rear wheel cylinders (the secondary brake system) are to be bled, use a suitable box wrench on the bleeder fitting at the RH rear brake wheel cylinder. Attach a bleeder tube snugly around the bleeder fitting.
4. Open the valve on the bleeder tank to admit pressurized brake fluid into the brake master cylinder reservoir.
5. Submerge the free end of the tube in a container partially filled with clean brake fluid and loosen the bleeder fitting.
6. When air bubbles cease to appear in the fluid at the submerged end of the bleeder tube, close the bleeder fitting. Remove the tube. Replace rubber dust cap on bleeder screw.
7. Attach a bleeder tube and repeat Steps 4, 5 and 6 at the LH rear caliper.
8. On front brakes, repeat Steps 4, Sand 6 starting at the RH disc brake caliper (2B120) and ending at the LH disc brake caliper.
9. When the bleeding operation is completed, close the bleeder tank valve and remove the tank hose from the adapter fitting.
10. Remove the pressure bleeder adapter tool from brake master cylinder. Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to between MAX line and 4.0 mm (0.16 inch) below MAX line. Install the brake master cylinder filler cap.
Any time service is performed on the ABS valve block or pump and motor assembly, a special bleed procedure must be followed to make sure no air is trapped in the ABS control and modulator assembly. If this procedure is not done, the customer could experience a spongy pedal after actuating ABS.
Using Rotunda New Generation Star (NGS) Tester 007-00500 or equivalent:
1. Hook up New Generation Star (NGS) Tester or equivalent to the serial data link connector below the instrument panel as if retrieving diagnostic trouble codes.
2. Make sure ignition switch is in the RUN position.
3. Follow instructions on the NGS screen. Choose correct vehicle and model year, go to "Diagnostic Data Link" menu item, choose ABS Module, choose "Function Tests", and then choose "Service Bleed".
4. The NGS will prompt you to apply the brake pedal. Make sure you push hard on the brake pedal. You will need to hold down the brake pedal for approximately 5 seconds while the NGS opens the outlet valves in the brake pressure control valve block. When the outlet valves are opened, you should immediately feel the pedal drop. Make sure you push the pedal all the way to the floor (very important). The NGS will then instruct you to release the brake pedal. After you release the brake pedal, the NGS will run the ABS hydraulic pump motor for approximately 15 seconds.
5. Repeat Step 5 to make sure all air is flushed from the ABS unit. Upon completion, the NGS will display "Service Bleed Procedure Completed".
6. Repeat the conventional system bleed using a manual or pressure bleed procedure as described.