Disc Brake System: Testing and Inspection
CALIPER- Visually check disc brake caliper. If caliper housing is leaking, it must be replaced.
- If a seal is leaking, disc brake caliper must be disassembled and new seals and dust boot installed.
- If caliper piston is seized in the bore, a new disc brake caliper is required.
- Inspect locating pin boots in front disc brake caliper anchor plate to make sure they are sealed in groove. Replace damaged boots. Locating pin boots that are not properly sealed may cause disc brake caliper locating pin to corrode and brakes to drag.
- Replace any brake shoe and lining that has been contaminated with oil, grease, or brake fluid with a complete axle set. Inspect for and correct any source of contamination.
- Inspect brake shoe and lining for excessive wear.
- If lining is worn to within 1.5 mm (0.06 inch) of shoe, replace all four brake shoes and linings (complete axle set) as necessary.
- If lining is worn to within 3.175 mm (0.125 inch) of shoe, replace all four brake shoes and linings (complete axle set) as necessary.
- Brake pulsation (brake roughness) that is present during brake application is caused by;
- foreign material build-up
- contamination on the rotor surface
- uneven lateral runout.
- For diagnostic procedures, refer to System Diagnosis.