With ABS
ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM BLEEDINGThe service ABS hydraulic control unit is supplied filled with brake fluid. Therefore, a conventional bleed procedure should be adequate to remove all air from the brake system. However, if a spongy pedal is present and air in hydraulic control unit is suspected, use the following procedure.
Using Rotunda New Generation Star (NGS) Tester 007-00500 or equivalent:
1. Bleed entire system conventionally using the manual or pressure bleed procedure.
2. Attach pressure bleeder. Connect Rotunda New Generation Star (NGS) Tester 007-00500 or equivalent to data link connector (DLC) below instrument panel as though retrieving codes.
3. Make sure ignition switch is in "RUN" position.
4. Follow instructions on NGS screen. Choose correct vehicle and model year, go to Diagnostic Data Link menu item, choose "ABS Module", choose "Function Tests" and choose "Service Bleed".
5. RF Caliper Bleed
^ Open RF caliper bleed screw.
^ Start bleed program on NGS tester.
^ Bleed at RF caliper for at least 2 minutes.
^ Close RF bleed screw and press the red trigger button on the NGS tester.
6. LF Caliper Bleed.
^ Open LF caliper bleed screw.
^ Start bleed program on NGS tester.
^ Bleed at LF caliper for at least 2 minutes.
^ Close LF bleed screw and press the red Trigger button on the NGS tester.
7. LR Caliper Bleed
^ Open LR caliper bleed screw.
^ Start bleed program on NGS tester.
^ Bleed at LR caliper for at least 2 minutes.
^ Close LR bleed screw and press the red Trigger button on the NGS tester.
8. RR Caliper Bleed
^ Open RR caliper bleed screw.
^ Start bleed program on NGS tester.
^ Bleed at RR caliper for at least 2 minutes.
^ Close RR bleed screw and press the red Trigger button on the NGS tester.
9. Remove pressure supply, adjust brake fluid level in brake master cylinder reservoir and replace brake master cylinder filler cap.