Hydraulic System: Testing and Inspection
Hydraulic Leak TestNOTE: It is possible that all evidence of fluid leakage may have washed off if the vehicle has been operated in rain or snow because brake fluid is water-soluble.
- Refill system, bleed and apply the brakes several times.
- Examine the system to verify that the reservoir fluid level is actually dropping.
- Locate and correct the external leak.
- If fluid level drops and no external leak can be found, check for a brake master cylinder bore end seal leak. Refer to: Bore End Seal Leak Test
NOTE:Only steel tubing manufactured specifically for brake systems should be used throughout the brake system with the exception of the flexible hoses at the front and rear wheels.
- Inspect the brake lines and hoses for cracks, swelling or other damage and replace if necessary.
- Check fluid level. If the fluid level is below the line in the brake master cylinder reservoir add the required amount of fluid.
NOTE: Use High Performance DOT-3 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid C6AZ-19542-AB or DOT-3 equivalent meeting Ford specification ESA-M6C25-A.