Fluid - A/T: Service and Repair
Normal maintenance and lubrication requirements necessitate periodic automatic transmission fluid changes. If a major service, such as a clutch, band, bearing, etc., is required, the transmission will have to be removed for service. At this time, the torque converter, transmission fluid cooler and fluid cooler tubes must be thoroughly flushed to remove any dirt. When used under continuous or severe conditions, the transmission and torque converter should be drained and refilled with fluid as specified.CAUTION: Use of a fluid other than specified could result in transmission malfunction and/or failure.
Refer to the vehicle certification label affixed to the LH front door lock face panel or door pillar for the transmission code.
When filling a dry transmission or torque converter, refer to Specifications for capacity. Check the fluid level.
Procedures for partial drain and refill, due to in-vehicle service operation, are as follows:
1. Raise and suitably support vehicle on a hoist or jack stands.
2. Place drain pan under transmission.
3. Loosen transmission pan retaining bolts and drain fluid from transmission.
4. When fluid has drained to level of pan flange, remove the remaining pan bolts working from the RH side allowing the pan to lower and drain slowly.
5. Drain the torque converter by removing the torque converter drain plug.
6. After the torque converter has been drained, install a new torque converter drain plug and tighten to 28 - 30 Nm (21 - 22 ft. lbs.).
7. When all fluid has been drained from transmission, remove and thoroughly clean the transmission pan.
8. Clean, inspect and install pan-to-case gasket on transmission pan, and install transmission pan on transmission.
NOTE: Transmission oil pan to case gasket is reusable if not damaged.
9. Lower vehicle.
10. When filling a dry transmission and converter, start with a minimum of 6.1 liters (6.5 quarts).
11. Fill transmission to proper level using MERCON Multi-Purpose Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-5-QM or equivalent fluid meeting MERCON V specification.