Powertrain Control Software
MULTIPLEXINGThe increased number of modules on the vehicle dictates a more efficient method of communication. Multiplexing is the process of communicating several messages over the same signal path. This process allows multiple modules to communicate with each other through the signal path (BUS+ / BUS-). Modules communicate with the powertrain control module using standard corporate protocol which determines the priority in which the signals are sent. Multiplexing reduces the weight of the vehicle by reducing electrical wiring.
The standard corporate protocol is a communication language used by Ford Motor Company for exchanging bi-directional messages (signals) between stand-alone modules and devices. Two or more signals can be sent over one circuit.
Included in these messages is diagnostic data that is output over the BUS+ and BUS- lines to the data link connector. This information is accessible with a scan tool
The Flash Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (FEEPROM) is an Integrated Circuit (IC) within the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). This IC contains the software code required by the PCM to control the powertrain. One feature of the FEEPROM is that it can be electrically erased and then reprogrammed without removing the PCM from the vehicle. If a software change is required to the PCM, the module no longer needs to be replaced, but can be reprogrammed through the Service Bay Diagnostic System (SBDS). The reprogramming is done through the DLC.
Idle Air Trim is designed to adjust the Idle Air Control (IAC) calibration to correct for wear and aging of components. When engine conditions meet the learning requirement, the strategy monitors the engine and determines the values required for ideal idle calibration. The Idle Air Trim values are stored in a table for reference. This table is used by the PCM as a correction factor when controlling idle speed. The table is stored in Keep Alive Random Access Memory (RAM) and retains the learned values even after the engine is shut off. A Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is output to indicate that the Idle Air Trim has reached its learning limits.
Whenever an IAC component is replaced or cleaned or a service affecting idle is performed, it is recommended that Keep Alive RAM be cleared. This is necessary so the idle strategy does not use the previously learned Idle Air Trim values. It is important to note that erasing DTCs with a scan tool does not reset the Idle Air Trim table.
Once Keep Alive RAM has been reset, the engine must idle for 15 minutes (actual time varies between strategies) to learn new idle air trim values. Idle quality will improve as the strategy adapts. Adaptation occurs in four separate modes. The modes are shown in the table.
Transmission Range Air Conditioning Mode
The fuel control system uses the fuel trim table to compensate for normal variability of the fuel system components caused by wear or aging. During closed loop vehicle operation, if the fuel system appears "biased" lean or rich, the fuel trim table will shift the fuel delivery calculations to remove the bias. The fuel system monitor has two means of adapting Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) and Long Term FT. Short Term FT is referred to as LAMBSE and Long Term FT references the fuel trim table.
Short Term FT (Short Term FT) (displayed as SHRTFT1 and SHRTFT2 on the NGS tool) is a parameter that indicates short-term fuel adjustments. Short Term FT is commonly referred to as LAMBSE. LAMBSE is calculated by the PCM from HO2S inputs and helps maintain a 14.7:1 air/fuel ratio during closed loop operation. This range is displayed in percentage (%). A negative percentage means that the HO2S is indicating RICH and the PCM is attempting to lean the mixture. Ideally, Short Term FT may remain near 0% but can adjust between -25% to +35%.
Long Term FT (Long Term FT) (displayed as LONGFT1 and LONGFT2 on the NGS tool) is the other parameter that indicates long-term fuel adjustments. Long Term FT is also referred to as Fuel Trim. Long Term FT is calculated by the PCM using information from the Short Term FT to maintain a 14.7:1 air/fuel ratio during closed loop operation. The Fuel Trim strategy is expressed in percentages. The range of authority for Long Term FT is from -35% to +35%. The ideal value is near 0% but variations of ±20% are acceptable. Information gathered at different speed load points are stored in fuel trim cells in the fuel trim tables, which can be used in the fuel calculation.
Short Term FT and Long Term FT work together. If the HO2S indicates the engine is running rich, the PCM will correct the rich condition by moving Short Term FT in the negative range (less fuel to correct for a rich combustion). If after a certain amount of time Short Term FT is still compensating for a rich condition, the PCM "learns" this and moves Long Term FT into the negative range to compensate and allows Short Term FT to return to a value near 0%.
As the fuel control and air metering components age and vary from nominal values, the fuel trim learns corrections while in closed loop fuel control. The corrections are stored in a table that is a function of engine speed and load. The tables reside in Keep Alive RAM and are used to correct fuel delivery during open and closed loop. As changing conditions continue the individual cells are allowed to update for that speed load point. If, during the adaptive process, both Short Term FT and Long Term FT reach their high or low limit and can no longer compensate, the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) is illuminated and a DTC is stored.
Whenever a fuel injector or fuel pressure regulator is replaced, Keep Alive RAM should be cleared. This is necessary so the PCM does not use the previously learned fuel trim values.
Some models are equipped with fail-safe cooling strategy. It is activated by the PCM only in the event that an overheating condition has been identified. This strategy provides engine temperature control when the Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) exceeds certain limits. The cylinder head temperature is measured by the CHT sensor.
A cooling system failure such as low coolant or coolant loss could cause an overheating condition. As a result, damage to major engine components could occur. Along with a CHT sensor, a special cooling strategy is used to prevent damage by allowing air cooling of the engine. The vehicle can be safely driven for a short time with some loss of performance.
Engine temperature is controlled by varying and alternating the number of disabled fuel injectors. This allows all cylinders to cool down. When the fuel injectors are disabled, their respective cylinders work as air pumps, and this air is used to cool down cylinders. The more fuel injectors that are disabled, the cooler the engine runs, but the engine has less power.
Before the fail-safe cooling strategy is activated, the instrument cluster engine coolant temperature gauge is within the hot zone and a temperature warning light comes on. If the overheating continues, the strategy begins to disable the fuel injectors, a DTC is stored in the PCM memory, and a MIL (either CHECK ENGINE or SERVICE ENGINE SOON), comes on. If the overheating condition continues further and a critical temperature is reached, all of the fuel injectors are turned off and the engine is disabled.
Failure Mode Effects Management (FMEM) is an alternate system strategy in the PCM designed to maintain engine operation if one or more sensor inputs fail.
When a sensor input is perceived to be out-of-limits by the PCM, an alternative strategy is initiated. The PCM substitutes a fixed value and continues to monitor the incorrect sensor input. If the suspect sensor operates within limits, the PCM returns to the normal engine operational strategy.
All FMEM sensors display a sequence error message on the scan tool. The message may or may not be followed by Key ON Engine OFF or Continuous Memory DTCs when attempting Key ON Engine Running Self-Test Mode.
The PCM will disable some or all of the fuel injectors whenever an engine rpm or vehicle overspeed condition is detected. The purpose of the engine rpm or vehicle speed limiter is to prevent damage to the powertrain. The vehicle will exhibit a rough running engine condition, and the PCM will store a Continuous Memory DTC P1270. Once the driver reduces the excessive speed, the engine will return to the normal operating mode. No repair is required. However, the technician should clear the PCM and inform the customer of the reason for the DTC.
Excessive wheel slippage may be caused by sand, gravel, rain, mud, snow, ice, etc. or excessive and sudden increase in RPM while in NEUTRAL or while driving.