Active Anti-Theft Alarm System
1. Verify the customer concern by duplicating the condition.2. Inspect to determine if one of the mechanical or electrical concerns apply:
- Damaged luggage compartment door lock cylinder
- Damaged door lock cylinder(s).
- Open fuses: Power distribution box: Fuse 19 (30 A), Fuse 22 (15 A), Maxi Fuse 1 (40 A), 3 (40 A) and 5 (40 A)
- Open fuses: Fuse junction panel: Fuse 28 (15 A), Fuse 23 (5 A) Fuse 27 (10 A), Fuse 20 (5 A), Fuse 6 (15 A), Fuse 26 (15 A)
- Loose connections
- Corroded connections
- Damaged switches
- Damaged relay(s)
3. If the inspection reveals obvious concerns that can be readily repaired, correct the concern before continuing with Inspection and Verification.
4. If the concern remains after the inspection, connect the New Generation Star (NGS) Tester to the Data Link Connector (DLC) located beneath the instrument panel to perform the Data Link Diagnostics Test. If the NGS responds with NO RESPONSE/NOT EQUIPPED for the Remote Anti-theft Personality (RAP) module, go to Pinpoint Test A. A: No Communication With RAP Module
If the Data Link Diagnostic test is passed for the RAP module, retrieve continuous DTCs and execute self test diagnostics.
5. If self test is passed and no DTCs are retrieved, go to Symptom Chart to continue diagnostics. Active Anti-Theft Alarm System (RAP)
6. If DTCs are retrieved, go to RAP Module Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Index to continue diagnostics. RAP Module Diagnostic Trouble Code Index
7. If the RAP module cannot be accessed by the NGS tester, go to Pinpoint Test A. A: No Communication With RAP Module
Rotunda (SBDS (R)) 418-F001 (001-00001) may also be used to diagnose this system.