Master Cylinder Bleeding
When a new brake master cylinder has been installed or the brake system emptied or partially emptied, fluid may not flow from the bleeder screws during normal bleeding It may be necessary to prime system using the following procedure.1. Use tubing wrench to remove the brake lines from brake master cylinder.
2. Install short brake lines in brake master cylinder and position them so they point back into reservoir and ends of pipes are submerged in brake fluid.
3. Fill reservoir with new Ford High Performance DOT 3 Brake Fluid C6AZ-19542-AB or equivalent DOT 3 fluid meeting Ford specification ESA-M6C25-A.
4. Cover reservoir with clean shop towel.
5. Pump brakes until clear, bubble-free fluid comes out of both brake tubes.
CAUTION: Brake fluid is harmful to painted and plastic surfaces. If brake fluid is spilled onto a painted or plastic surface, immediately wash it with water.
6. Remove short brake tubes and reinstall brake tubes from vehicle.
7. Bleed each brake line at brake master cylinder using the following procedure:
a. Have assistant pump brake pedal 10 times and then hold firm pressure on the brake pedal.
b. Loosen front brake line fitting with tubing wrench until stream of brake fluid comes out. Have assistant maintain pressure on brake pedal until brake line fitting is tightened again.
c. Repeat this operation until clear, bubble-free fluid comes out from around tubing fitting.
d. Repeat this bleeding operation at rear brake line fitting.
8. If any brake lines or calipers have been removed, it may be helpful to prime system by gravity bleeding it. This should be done after brake master cylinder is primed and bled. To prime brake system:
a. Fill brake master cylinder reservoir with new Ford High Performance DOT 3 Brake Fluid C6AZ-19542-AB or equivalent DOT 3 fluid meeting Ford specification ESA-M6C25-A.
b. Loosen both rear caliper bleeder screws and leave them open until clear brake fluid flows out. Be sure to check reservoir fluid level often and not let it run dry.
c. Tighten bleeder screws.
d. One at a time, loosen front caliper bleeder screws. Leave bleeder screws open until clear fluid flows out. Be sure to check reservoir level often and not let it run dry.
e. Tighten bleeder screws to 7 - 9 Nm (62 - 79 inch lbs.).
9. After brake master cylinder and brake system have been primed and lines bled at brake master cylinder, normal brake system bleeding can resume at each wheel.