Steps 1-50
NOTE: MERCON Automatic Transmission Fluid is being replaced by MERCON V as a service fluid.
Special Tools:
Special Tools:
1. Prepare the transaxle for assembly by proceeding with the following steps:
^ Clean all parts (except the friction plates, seals, and intermediate/overdrive band) in solvent.
^ Dry all parts with moisture-free regulated compressed air (do not use shop towels).
^ Lubricate all internal parts (including friction plates) with MERCON or MERCON V Automatic Transmission Fluid or equivalent meeting FORD specifications.
^ Order the required repair parts.
^ Make sure the complete assortment of selective thickness parts are on hand for adjustments during assembly:
^ Drive sprocket thrust washers
^ Driven sprocket thrust bearing shims
^ Differential case thrust bearing shims
^ Low/reverse clutch pressure plates
^ During assembly, use petroleum jelly to hold the parts in place (do not use grease).
^ When tightening fasteners, use an accurate torque wrench.
^ Lightly coat bolt and nut threads with automatic transmission fluid for correct installation torque specifications.
2. Install intermediate and overdrive band assembly into the transaxle case.
3. NOTE: Apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly to the pump support seals and to the pump bore in the transaxle.
Using special tool 307-289 (T94P-77000-G), install pump assembly into the case.
4. NOTE: Tighten the bolts in the indicated sequence.
Install the pump assembly bolts.
5. Using the special tools, install the low/reverse clutch piston.
^ Lubricate seals and piston bore with clean MERCON or MERCON V automatic transmission fluid or equivalent meeting FORD specification.
6. Install the low/reverse clutch return spring assembly.
7. Install the low/reverse clutch return spring retaining ring.
8. CAUTION: The low/reverse clutch wave spring is fitted in this position for measurement purposes only.
Install the low/reverse clutch wave spring.
9. Install the low/reverse clutch plates.
1 Install the low/reverse clutch external spline (steel) clutch plates.
2 Install the low/reverse clutch internal spline (friction) clutch plates.
3 Install the low/reverse clutch pressure plate.
10. CAUTION: The low one-way clutch thrust plate is fitted in the position for measurement purposes only.
Install the low one-way clutch thrust plate.
11. Measure the clearance between the low/reverse clutch pressure plate and the low one-way clutch thrust plate.
^ Take a second measurement on the opposite side.
^ Average the two measurements to get the clearance.
^ If the clearance is not within specification, select and fit the proper thickness pressure plate to obtain the specified clearance.
^ Pressure plate sizes:
^ 2.57-2.47 mm
^ 2.36-2.26 mm
^ 2.16-2.06 mm
12. NOTE: One tooth of the low/reverse clutch pressure plate is notched for identification.
Remove the low one-way clutch thrust plate, the low/reverse clutch pressure plate, the low/reverse clutch external spline clutch plates (steel), the low/reverse clutch wave spring, and the low/reverse clutch internal spline clutch plates (friction).
1 Low one-way clutch thrust plate.
2 Low/reverse clutch pressure plate.
3 Low/reverse clutch external spline clutch plates (steel).
4 Low/reverse clutch wave spring.
5 Low/reverse clutch internal spline clutch plates (friction).
13. Install the No. l pump support thrust bearing assembly.
14. NOTE: Remove Seal Sizer from forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder.
Install the forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder assembly and reverse clutch drum assembly.
15. Install the turbine shaft.
16. Install the No. 4 turbine shaft thrust bearing.
17. Install the forward one-way clutch and low-intermediate sun gear assembly.
18. Install the No. 5 1ow-intermediate sun gear thrust bearing.
19. Install the low-intermediate carrier assembly.
20. Install the No. 6 low-intermediate carrier thrust bearing.
21. Install the low-intermediate ring gear assembly.
Reverse/Overdrive Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Installation:
22. Install the No. 7 reverse/overdrive sun gear thrust bearing.
23. Install the reverse/overdrive sun gear and shell assembly.
24. Install the reverse/overdrive carrier assembly with the captured No. 8 thrust bearing.
25. Install the low/reverse clutch plates.
1 Install the low/reverse clutch external spline (steel) clutch plates.
2 Install the low/reverse clutch internal spline (friction) clutch plates.
3 Install the low/reverse clutch pressure plate previously selected.
26. Install the low/reverse clutch wave spring.
27. Install the low one-way clutch assembly with the identification ring on the inner ring facing upward.
28. Install the low one-way clutch thrust plate.
29. NOTE: Make sure to position the low one-way clutch retaining ring as shown.
Install the low one-way clutch retaining ring.
30. Install the manual valve detent lever actuating rod assembly.
^ Install the parking cam actuator lever.
31. Install the manual valve detent lever.
32. Install the special tools.
33. Install the special tool with short spacers.
34. Using the special tools, measure the distance from the top of special tool to the No. 12 driven sprocket bearing surface area.
^ Record this first dimension.
35. Using the special tools, measure the distance from the top of special tool to the bearing surface on the reverse/overdrive carrier assembly on one side of the turbine shaft.
^ Repeat this measurement on the other side of the turbine shaft 180 degrees from the first measurement.
^ The average of these two dimensions is the second dimension.
^ Remove the special tools.
36. Subtract the second dimension from the first dimension to get the third dimension.
37. Use the third dimension to select the correct No. 11 driven sprocket shim.
^ Select a shim from the driven sprocket shim chart in specifications.
38. Install and lubricate the following:
1 Lubricate the needles and seals in the No. 18 driven sprocket bearing.
2 Install the selected No. 11 driven sprocket shim.
3 Install the No. 12 driven sprocket bearing.
39. Install the No. 9 reverse/overdrive ring gear thrust bearing.
40. NOTE: Installation of the reverse/overdrive ring gear assembly at this time is for measurement purposes only.
Install the reverse/overdrive ring gear assembly:
41. Install the special tools.
42. Install the special tool with short spacers.
43. Using the special tools, measure the distance from the top of special tool to the face of the reverse/overdrive ring gear assembly surface area.
^ Repeat this measurement on the other side of the face of the reverse/overdrive ring gear assembly area 180 degrees from the first measurement.
^ The average of these two dimensions is the first dimension.
^ Remove the special tools.
44. Add 25.4 mm (thickness of special tool 307-300) and short spacers' thickness.
^ This is the second dimension.
45. Subtract the first dimension from the second
^ This is the third dimension.
46. Select No. 10 thrust washer from the drive sprocket thrust washer chart in Specifications
^ Use the third dimension to select the No. 10 drive sprocket thrust washer.
47. Use petroleum jelly and install the selected No. 10 drive sprocket thrust washer on the torque converter housing.
48. Remove the reverse/overdrive ring gear assembly.
49. Install the filter and seal assembly.
50. Install the special tool in the filter eyelet and transaxle hole.