Special Tools:
1. Remove engine as described and install engine on engine stand, following manufacturer's instructions using Rotunda Powertrain Lift 014-00765, Rotunda and Powertrain Removal Bracket 014-00766 or equivalent, Rotunda Engine Lifting Spreader Bar 303-F054 (014-00793) or equivalent, Engine Lifting Brackets 303-050 (T70P-6000) and a suitable floor crane.
2. Disconnect and remove the lower radiator hose tube and retaining bracket from the LH cylinder head.
3. Release front end accessory drive belt tension by rotating drive belt tensioner clockwise.
4. Remove drive belt.
5. Disconnect EGR backpressure transducer hoses from EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube.
6. Disconnect the evaporative emission tube from upper intake manifold vacuum port connector.
7. Disconnect and remove Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve (PCV valve) from oil separator crankcase ventilation tube and upper intake manifold.
8. Disconnect main emission vacuum control connector from EGR valve and fuel pressure regulator.
9. Remove EGR valve to exhaust manifold tube from EGR valve and RH exhaust manifold.
10. If necessary, remove EGR valve retainer bolts, EGR valve and EGR valve gasket.
11. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring from Throttle Position Sensor (TP sensor), Idle Air Control Valve (IAC valve) and EGR vacuum control solenoid.
12. If necessary, remove throttle body retaining bolts and stud bolt, throttle body and gasket from upper intake manifold.
13. If necessary, remove EGR vacuum control solenoid retaining bolts and EGR vacuum control solenoid from upper intake manifold.
14. If necessary, remove idle air control valve retainer bolts, idle air control valve and gasket from upper intake manifold.
Upper Intake Manifold Removal Sequence:
15. Remove upper intake manifold retaining bolts in sequence as shown. Remove upper intake manifolds and intake manifold upper gaskets from lower intake manifold.
16. Disconnect engine control sensor wiring from the following components:
- engine coolant temperature sensor (ECT sensor)
- ignition coil
- radio ignition interference capacitor
- fuel injectors
- camshaft position sensor (CKP sensor)
- oil pressure sensor
- crankshaft position sensor (CKP sensor)
- A /C compressor
- generator (GEN)
- EGR backpressure transducer
- water temperature indicator sender unit IMRC actuator
17. Disconnect ignition wires from ignition coil and spark plugs.
18. Remove ignition wire separators from valve cover stud bolts and remove ignition wires as an assembly.
19. CAUTION: Do not loosen or bend intake manifold runner control actuator cable retainer bracket. Bracket alignment is critical and potential damage to the intake manifold runner control actuator may occur.
NOTE: Use care when removing the IMRC actuator cable clip form the IMRC lever stud.
Disconnect IMRC actuator cable from the IMRC lever and bracket.
Intake Manifold Runner Control Bolts Removal Sequence:
20. Remove lower Intake Manifold (IMRC) retainer bolts in sequence shown from cylinder heads.
21. Remove lower intake manifold, fuel injectors and fuel injection supply manifold as an assembly from cylinder heads.
22. Remove intake manifold gaskets, from cylinder heads and discard.
23. Remove two retaining bolts and four retaining nuts for the engine control sensor wiring and remove the engine control sensor wiring.
24. Remove crankcase ventilation tube retaining nut and crankcase ventilation tube from oil separator and water bypass tube stud bolt.
25. Loosen radiator hose spring clamp and remove heater water hose from water bypass tube.
26. Remove water bypass tube to cylinder head retaining bolts and remove water bypass tube from cylinder head.
27. Remove three bolts retaining power steering pump to engine front cover.
28. Remove power steering pump from engine.
29. Remove A/C compressor mounting bracket to water pump brace.
30. Remove A/C compressor mounting bolts from A/C compressor mounting brackets. Remove A/C compressor.
31. NOTE: The A/C compressor mounting bracket uses torque to yield bolts.
Remove A/C compressor mounting bracket and discard bolts.
32. Remove generator.
33. Remove water pump to engine front cover retaining bolts and remove water pump.
34. Install Flywheel Holding Tool 303-103 (T74P-6375-A) to cylinder block and engage flywheel.
Use suitable spacers for proper alignment of tool to flywheel.
35. NOTE: Crankshaft accessory drive pulley shaft has a left hand thread. Rotate pulley shaft clockwise to remove. Use a 24 mm open end wrench on the inside nut to remove crankshaft accessory drive pulley shaft.
Remove crankshaft accessory drive pulley and bracket assembly from the engine front cover and crankshaft damper.
36. Remove crankshaft damper retainer bolt and washer from crankshaft.
37. Remove crankshaft damper from crankshaft using Front Damper Remover 303-009 (T58P-6316-D).
38. Remove Flywheel Holding tool 303-103 (T74P-6375-A) from cylinder block cylinder block.
39. Remove ignition coil to RI-valve cover retainer bolts. Remove radio ignition interference capacitor, ignition coil ground strap and ignition coil from RH valve cover.
40. Remove evaporative emission return tube from RH valve cover stud bolts.
Valve Cover Bolt Removal Sequence, RH Side:
Valve Cover Bolt Removal Sequence, LH Side:
41. Loosen RH and LH valve cover retainer bolts and studs in sequence as shown. Remove RH and LH valve covers from cylinder head.
42. Remove spark plugs from cylinder heads.
43. Remove oil level dipstick, oil level indicator tube and O-ring from LH cylinder head and cylinder block.
44. Remove oil bypass filter.
45. Remove oil pressure sensor from cylinder block.
46. Remove RH and LH exhaust manifold bolts, RH exhaust manifolds and exhaust manifold gaskets from cylinder heads.
47. Remove oil pan drain plug and drain engine oil. Reinstall oil pan drain plug with new gasket. Tighten to 22-30 Nm (16 -22 ft. lbs.).
48. CAUTION: To prevent residue in bottom of oil pan from entering engine, remove oil pan prior to turning engine upside down on engine stand.
Oil Pan Bolt Removal Sequence:
Remove oil pan retaining bolts and stud bolts in sequence shown.
49. Remove oil pan and oil pan gasket from lower cylinder block.
50. If required, using Seal Remover 303-409 (T92C-6700-CH), remove crankshaft front seal from engine front cover.
51. Remove drive belt tensioner from RH side of engine front cover, if required.
52. If necessary, remove camshaft position sensor and crankshaft position sensor retaining bolts, camshaft position sensor and crankshaft position sensor from engine front cover.
Engine Front Cover Removal Sequence:
53. Remove engine front cover retaining bolts and studs in sequence as shown.
54. Remove engine front cover and discard front cover gaskets.
55. Remove crankshaft position sensor pulse ring from crankshaft.
56. CAUTION: Rotating the crankshaft in a counterclockwise direction may cause timing chain to bind and may cause engine damage.
Rotate the crankshaft clockwise to position the crankshaft keyway to the 11 o'clock location.
57. Verify the alignment flags (marked RFF) on the back of the camshaft sprockets are aligned. If the flags on the camshafts are not aligned, rotate the crankshaft clockwise one complete revolution. This places cylinder number one at top dead center on the compression stroke.
58. Rotate crankshaft clockwise 120 degrees to position crankshaft keyway to the 3 o'clock position. This will position the RH cylinder head camshafts to the neutral position (base circle).
59. Remove RH timing chain tensioner retaining bolts, and RH timing chain tensioner.
60. CAUTION: Cylinder head camshaft journal caps and cylinder heads are numbered to verify that they are assembled in their original positions. If removed, keep camshaft journal caps from each cylinder head together. Do not mix with camshaft journal caps from another cylinder head.
CAUTION: Remove the cylinder head camshaft journal thrust caps first to verify damage to the cylinder head camshaft journal thrust caps does not occur.
Remove cylinder head camshaft journal thrust cap retaining bolts and thrust caps from RH cylinder head.
Camshaft Journal Cap Removal Sequence, RH Side:
61. Loosen remaining RH cylinder head camshaft journal cap bolts in sequence shown 7-8 revolutions in several passes to allow camshafts to be raised from RH cylinder head.
62. CAUTION: If RH timing chain tensioner arm and RH timing chain guide are to be reused, mark position of timing chain tensioner arm and timing chain guide to verify that they are assembled in their original positions.
Timing Chain Removal RH Side Shown, LH Side Typical:
Remove RH timing chain tensioner arm and RH timing chain.
63. Remove RH timing chain guide retaining bolts and RH timing chain guide.
64. Remove RH timing chain crankshaft sprocket.
65. CAUTION: If valve tappets and roller rocker arms are to be reused, mark position of rocker arms and valve tappets to verify that they are assembled in their original positions.
Remove RH cylinder head camshaft journal caps and bolts and camshafts from RH cylinder head and remove rocker arms.
66. Remove valve tappets from RH cylinder head.
67. Rotate crankshaft clockwise and position crankshaft keyway to the 11 o'clock location. This will position the LH cylinder head camshafts to the neutral position (base circle).
68. Verify the alignment flags con the LH cylinder head camshafts are aligned.
69. Remove the LH timing chain tensioner retaining bolts and LH timing chain tensioner.
70. NOTE: The timing chain tensioner can not be bled down while mounted to the engine assembly. This procedure should only be performed when the timing chains are removed.
Position the timing chain tensioner in a soft-jawed vice.
71. CAUTION: Do not release ratchet stem until tensioner is fully bottomed in its bore, or damage to the ratchet stem may occur.
Hold the timing chain tensioner ratchet lock mechanism away from the ratchet stem with a small pick.
72. CAUTION: Timing chain tensioner must be compressed slowly or damage to the timing chain tensioner may occur.
NOTE: Piston should retract with minimal force. Reposition timing chain tensioner to eliminate side loading if binding occurs.
Slowly compress timing chain tensioner. Engine oil will bleed out of cylinder bore.
73. NOTE: Wire must remain in timing chain tensioner until timing chain tensioner is installed with piston bottomed in bore.
Push down on ratchet stem until flush with tensioner face. Retain piston with a 0.040-0.065 inch diameter wire.
74. CAUTION: Cylinder head camshaft journal caps and cylinder heads are numbered to verify that they are assembled in their original positions. Keep camshaft journal caps from each cylinder head together. Do not mix with camshaft journal caps from another cylinder head.
CAUTION: Remove cylinder head camshaft journal thrust caps first to verify that damage to the cylinder head camshaft journal thrust caps does not occur.
Camshaft Journal Cap Removal Sequence, LH Side:
Remove cylinder head camshaft journal thrust cap retaining bolts and thrust caps from LH cylinder head.
75. Loosen remaining LH cylinder head camshaft journal cap bolts in sequence shown 7-8 revolutions to allow camshafts to be raised from LH cylinder head.
76. CAUTION: If LH timing chain tensioner arm and LH timing chain guide are to be reused, mark position of timing chain tensioner arm and timing chain guide to verify that they are assembled in their original positions.
Remove LH timing chain tensioner arm and LH timing chain.
77. Remove LH timing chain guide retaining bolts and LH timing chain guide.
78. Remove LH timing chain crankshaft sprocket.
79. CAUTION: If valve tappets and roller rocker arms are to be reused, mark position of rocker arms and valve tappets to verify that they are assembled in their original positions.
Remove LH cylinder head camshaft journal caps, bolts and camshafts from LH cylinder head and remove rocker arms.
Camshafts, Rocker Arms And Valve Tappets - LH Cylinder Head Shown, RH Similar (1 Of 2):
Camshafts, Rocker Arms And Valve Tappets - LH Cylinder Head Shown, RH Similar (2 Of 2):
80. Remove valve tappets from LH cylinder head.
81. Remove EGR backpressure transducer mounting bracket retainers and EGR backpressure transducer and mounting bracket as an assembly from the RH cylinder head.
Cylinder Head Bolt Removal Sequence:
83. NOTE: Cylinder heads should not be set on cylinder head face. Protect cylinder head face surface to avoid scratches and dents on cylinder head face sealing surfaces.
NOTE: Minor scratches or dents on the cylinder head sealing surfaces could cause head gasket leaks.
Remove cylinder heads from cylinder block.
84. Remove cylinder head gasket from cylinder block.
85. If required, disassemble cylinder heads.
86. Remove oil separator retabing bolts, oil separator and oil separator to cylinder block gasket from cylinder block. Discard oil separator to cylinder block gasket.
87. If necessary, remove engine coolant inlet tube from cylinder block.
88. Turn engine over on engine stand.
89. Remove oil pump screen cover and tube support self-locking retaining nut arid discard nut.
90. Remove oil pump screen cover and tube retaining bolts, oil pump screen cover and tube and O-ring or oil pump.
Oil Pan Baffle Removal:
91. Remove oil pan baffle retaining nuts and oil pan baffle from lower cylinder block retaining studs.
92. Remove oil pump retaining bolts in sequence shown. Remove oil pump from cylinder block. Inspect oil pump.
93. CAUTION: Pistons, connecting rods and connecting rod bearings should be scribed or marked to make sure they are assembled in their original positions.
NOTE: Before removing pistons, inspect the top of the cylinder bores. If necessary, remove the ridge and/or carbon deposits from each cylinder using Cylinder Ridge Reamer 303-016 (T64L-6011-EA).
Turn crankshaft until connecting rod to be removed is at the high point of its travel.
94. NOTE: Mark position of connecting rod cap to connecting rod for aid in reassembly.
If more than one piston is being removed, identify the pistons, connecting rods and connecting rod caps for cylinder position.
95. Remove the connecting rod cap retaining bolts, connecting rod cap and lower connecting rod bearing. Keep connecting rod cap and lower connecting rod bearing together. Using Connecting Rod Guide Tool 303-462 (T94P-6136-AH) installed into the connecting rod bolt holes, push the piston, connecting rod and upper connecting rod bearing through the top of the cylinder bore. Use care to prevent damage to the crankshaft bearing journals and cylinder bore surfaces. Keep upper connecting rod bearing and connecting rod together.
96. CAUTION: Care should be taken not to damage the connecting rod and cap joint face surfaces or possible engine damage may occur.
CAUTION: Connecting rod bolts must be replaced with new bolts. They are torque-to-yield designed and cannot be reused.
Connecting rod bolts are retained in the bolt hole with a light press fit. The bolts have been torqued to yield at least twice and must be discarded. Using a hammer and punch, drive bolts from bolt holes.
97. Using a new connecting rod bolt, attach connecting rod cap and lower connecting rod bearing to connecting rod and upper connecting rod bearing to prevent mixing parts and damaging the connecting rod joint face surfaces.
98. NOTE: Repeat Steps 94 through 98 until all necessary connecting rods are removed.
If piston ring replacement is required, replace piston rings.
99. If required, remove pistons, from connecting rods.
100. NOTE: Make sure the crankshaft sealing surface is clean and free of any rust or corrosion before using Rear Crankshaft Seal Remover 303-519 (T95P-6701-EH). If necessary, clean the crankshaft rear sealing surface with extra-fine emery cloth or extra-fine 0000 steel wool and Metal Surface Cleaner F4AZ-19A536-RA or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSE-M5B392-A.
Insert Rear Crank Seal Remover 303-519 (T95P-6701-EH) over the crankshaft flange then tighten into the crankshaft rear oil seal.
101. NOTE: To remove the crankshaft rear oil seal from the rear crankshaft seal remover it is necessary to hold the crankshaft rear oil seal in a vise.
Attach Impact Slide Hammer 307-005 (T59L-100-B) or equivalent to Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Remover 303-519 (T95P-6701-EH), then remove crankshaft rear oil seal.
102. NOTE: Number 7 through number 22 are torque-to-yield bolts and should not be reused. Discard these bolts.
Removal Sequence:
Using removal sequence, remove lower cylinder block retaining bolts.
103. Remove lower cylinder block from upper cylinder block.
104. NOTE: If bearings are to be reused, mark position of upper and lower crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft thrust main bearing.
Remove lower crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft thrust main bearing from lower cylinder block.
105. CAUTION: When removing crankshaft, use care not to damage any crankshaft journal bearing surfaces.
Remove crankshaft.
Crankshaft And Crankshaft Main Bearings:
106. Remove upper crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft thrust washer from cylinder block.
107. If necessary, remove crankshaft key from crankshaft keyway.
108. If required, remove oil filter mounting insert from cylinder block.
109. Remove pipe plugs and alignment dowels from cylinder block as necessary to clean cylinder block and debris from oil passages.
110. Inspect crankshaft and cylinder block. Replace crankshaft and cylinder block as required.