Drive Belt: Service and Repair
RemovalAll Vehicles With 2.0 L Engine
1. Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Remove the right-hand front wheel.
3. Remove the splash shield.
4. Remove the accessory drive belt.
1. Slacken the accessory drive belt by turning the accessory drive belt tensioner in a clockwise direction.
2. Remove the accessory drive belt.
Vehicles With 2.5L Engine Built Up To 01/99
5. Raise and support the vehicle.
6. Remove the right-hand front wheel.
7. Remove the splash shield.
8. Rotate the accessory drive belt tensioner clockwise.
^ Remove the accessory drive belt.
Vehicles With 2.5L Engine Built 01/99 Onwards
9. Remove the accessory drive belt tensioner.
1. Rotate the accessory drive belt tensioner clockwise.
2. Remove the accessory drive belt.
All Vehicles
1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.