Drive Belt: Description and Operation
This vehicle is equipped with:- a V-ribbed serpentine accessory drive belt.
- automatic drive belt tensioners.
New drive belts should be of the same type as originally installed.
Drive belt chirp is a regularly occurring chirping noise that occurs due to:
- pulley misalignment.
- excessive pulley runout.
It can be a result of a damaged pulley or an incorrectly replaced pulley that was not correctly aligned.
To correct drive belt chirp:
- determine the area where the noise comes from.
- check each of the pulleys in that area with a straightedge to the crankshaft pulley for front accessory drive.
- look for the accessory pulley to be out of position in the fore/aft direction or at an angle to the straightedge.
Drive belt squeal is an intermittent noise that occurs when the drive belt slips on a pulley during certain conditions such as:
- engine start-up.
- rapid engine acceleration.
- A/C clutch engagement.
Drive belt squeal can occur under the following conditions:
- The A/C discharge pressure goes above specifications:
+ The A/C system is overcharged.
+ The A/C condenser airflow is blocked.