Low-Intermediate Clutch Cylinder
Low-intermediate Clutch CylinderPart 1 Of 2:
Part 2 Of 2:
Special Tool(s)
1. Remove the No. 15 rear sun gear thrust bearing and race.
2. Remove the No. 15 low-intermediate clutch retainer washer.
3. CAUTION: Do not fully compress the clutch spring retainer.
Using the special tool, remove the snap ring.
4. Remove the low-intermediate clutch support and spring assembly.
5. Remove the No. 16 final drive gear thrust washer.
6. WARNING: To prevent injury, wear eye protection when using pressurized air.
NOTE: The seal is part of the piston and is serviced as an assembly.
Using an air nozzle, apply 40 psi of regulated air to the low intermediate apply port to remove the piston and seal assembly.
7. CAUTION: Use care not to damage any machined surfaces.
Using the special tools, remove the rear lube oil transfer tube seal.
8. NOTE: If the bushing is worn or the fluid passage is blocked a new rear planet support should be installed.
Repair as required.
1. Using the special tool, install the new rear lube oil transfer tube seals.
2. NOTE: Lightly coat all the seals and surfaces with petroleum jelly.
Install the low intermediate clutch piston and seal using the low-intermediate clutch piston protector.
3. Install the low intermediate clutch support and spring assembly.
4. CAUTION: Do not fully compress the clutch spring retainer.
Use the special tool, install the snap ring.
5. CAUTION: Make sure the locking tabs are snapped over the retainer.
Install the No. 15 plastic spring retainer washer.
6. NOTE: The lip on the bearing goes over the hub. Use petroleum jelly to hold the bearing in place.
Install the rear sun gear thrust bearing and race.
7. Install the No. 16 final drive gear thrust assembly.