Full Frame and Body Mounting
- If equipped with fire suppression system, depower the system. For important safety warnings and procedures refer to Fire Suppression System.
- The electrical power to the air suspension system must be turned off prior to hoisting, jacking or towing an air suspension vehicle. Failure to do so can result in unexpected inflation or deflation of the air springs, which can result in shifting of the vehicle during these operations.
NOTE: The frame must be straightened before any reinforcing can be started.
1. After a bent frame member is straightened, inspect the frame member closely for cracks. If any cracks show, the frame member should be reinforced or replaced.
Reinforcements should be made from angle or flat stock of the same material and thickness as the frame member being reinforced, and should extend to either side of the crack.
Ideally, the reinforcement should be cut from the corresponding area of a similar frame.
2. WARNING: If equipped with fire suppression system, repower the system. For important safety warnings and procedures, refer to Fire Suppression System.
If equipped with fire suppression system, repower the system.