Vehicle Identification Number
IDENTIFICATION CODESVehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Location:
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is a 17-digit combination of letters and numbers. The VIN is stamped on a metal tab riveted to the instrument panel, top upper left of the dash. The VIN number is also found on the vehicle certification (VC) label.
World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI):
The first 3 vehicle identification number (VIN) positions are the world manufacturer identifier (WMI) code.
- 2FA - Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd., passenger car
- 2FD - Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd., passenger car (incomplete vehicle)
- 2ME - Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd., Mercury, passenger car
- 2MH - Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd., Mercury, passenger car (incomplete vehicle)
Restraint Type Code:
The fourth VIN position is the vehicle restraint system type code.
- F - Active safety belts - all positions, driver and front passenger air bags
- H - Active safety belts - all positions, driver and front passenger air bags and driver and front passenger side impact air bags
Vehicle Line And Series Code:
Positions 5 through 7 indicate vehicle line, series and body type.
- P70 - Crown Victoria (Long wheel-base)
- P71 - Crown Victoria (Police Interceptor)
- P72 - Crown Victoria (Base fleet vehicle)
- P73 - Crown Victoria (Base 4-door)
- P74 - Crown Victoria (LX 4-door)
- M70 - Grand Marquis (Long wheel-base)
- M74 - Grand Marquis (GS 4-door)
- M75 - Grand Marquis (LS 4-door)
Engine Code:
The eighth VIN position is the engine displacement and number of cylinders code.
- W - 4.6L EFI (SOHC), 8-cylinder, gasoline
Check Digit Code:
The ninth VIN position is the check digit code (0-9).
Model Year Code:
The tenth VIN position is the model year code.
- 6 - 2006
Assembly Plant Code:
The eleventh VIN position is the assembly plant code.
- X - St. Thomas, Talbotville, Ontario (Canada)
Production Sequence Code:
The last 6 VIN positions are the production sequence number. These 6 digits also are used as the vehicle serial and warranty number.
- Ford - 100001-599999
- Lincoln/Mercury - 600001-999999