Spot Lamp: Service and Repair
SPOTLAMPRemoval and Installation
NOTE: Unity stoplamp shown; all others similar.
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. NOTE: To remove the handle assembly, the screw and wedge must be completely removed.
Remove the handle assembly.
1 Remove the set screw.
2 Remove the wedge.
3 Disconnect the electrical connector.
3. Remove the windshield side garnish molding.
4. Remove the inside tube bracket.
1 Remove the set screw.
2 Remove the screws.
5. Remove the spotlamp assembly.
- Remove the screws and slide the assembly out.
6. NOTE: If the nylon bushing is pulled out of the housing, align the key with the keyway inside the housing to seat it back in the spotlamp housing. If the key does not align with the keyway, the exterior tube cannot be properly reinserted into the spotlamp housing.
Remove the spotlamp.
1 Loosen the set screws.
2 Remove the spotlamp housing from the exterior tube.
3 Remove the O-ring.\
4 Remove the nylon bushing.
7. To install, reverse the removal procedure.