Parameter Identification (PIDs)
PID/DATA MONITOR AND RECORDThe PID/Data Monitor and Record option allows the diagnostic tool operator to read the state of several parameter IDs (PIDs) to aid in diagnosing the system. PIDs are real time measurements of parameters, such as voltages and resistances, calculated by the restraints control module (RCM) and occupant classification sensor (OCS) module and sent to the diagnostic tool for display. Many of the PIDs supported by the modules are calculated periodically and are, therefore, not true real time readings.
To retrieve PIDs, follow these steps:
1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the DLC.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the diagnostic tool being used.
4. Select either the RCM or OCS module.
5. Record all PIDs that are to be retrieved and initiate PID retrieval. PIDs are updated continuously on the display.