Subframe Bushings - Rear
Subframe Bushings - Rear
Special Tool(s):
Subframe Bushings - Rear:
All bushings
1. Remove the rear subframe. For additional information, refer to Subframe - Rear.
Front bushings
2. NOTE: Care must be used when removing the bushings from the subframe with a flat-blade screwdriver.
Remove the rear subframe front lower bushings with a flat-blade screwdriver.
3. Turn the subframe over.
4. Remove the rear subframe front upper bushings with a flat-blade screwdriver.
Rear bushings
5. Remove the rear subframe lower bushings with a flat-blade screwdriver.
6. Turn the subframe over.
7. Remove the rear subframe upper bushings with a flat-blade screwdriver.
Front bushings
1. NOTE: The bushings must be installed with the correct orientation or increased noise and vibration may result.
Assemble the special tools to the rear subframe with the new front bushings. The upper and lower bushings are installed at the same time.
2. Align the left front bushings to the rear subframe.
1 Align the left upper bushing.
2 Align left lower bushing.
3. Press the new front bushings into the rear subframe.
4. Align the right front bushings to the rear subframe.
1 Align the right upper bushing.
2 Align the right lower bushing.
5. Press the new front bushings into the rear subframe.
Rear bushings
6. Assemble the special tools to the rear subframe with the new rear bushings. The upper and lower bushings are installed at the same time.
7. NOTE: The bushings must be installed with the correct orientation or increased noise and vibration may result.
Align the rear bushings to the rear subframe.
1 Align the left and right upper bushings.
2 Align the left and right lower bushings.
8. Press the new rear bushings into the rear subframe.
All bushings
9. Install the rear subframe. For additional information, refer to Subframe - Rear.