Oil Consumption Test
Oil Consumption TestOnce all of the previous conditions are met, carry out an oil consumption test.
1. Drain the engine oil and remove the oil filter. Install a new manufacturer-specified oil filter. Make sure the vehicle is positioned on a level surface. Refill the oil pan to a level one quart (liter) less than the specified fill level, using manufacturer-specified oil.
2. Run the engine for 3 minutes (if hot) or 10 minutes (if cold). Allow for a minimum 5-minute drainback period and then record the oil level shown on the oil level indicator. Place a mark on the backside of the oil level indicator noting the oil level location.
3. Add the final one quart (liter) to complete the normal oil fill. Restart the engine and allow it to idle for 2 minutes. Shut the engine down.
4. After a 5-minute drainback period, record the location of the oil level again. Mark the oil level indicator with the new oil level location. (Note: Both marks should be very close to the MIN-MAX upper and lower limits or the upper and lower holes on the oil level indicator. These marks will exactly measure the engine's use of oil, with a one quart differential between the new marks.) Demonstrate to the customer that the factory-calibrated marks on the oil level indicator are where the oil should fall after an oil change with the specified fill amount. Explain however, that this may vary slightly between MIN-MAX or the upper and lower holes on the oil level indicator.
5. Record the vehicle mileage.
6. Advise the customer that oil level indicator readings must be taken every 320 km (200 miles) or weekly, using the revised marks as drawn. Remind the customer that the engine needs a minimum 5-minute drainback for an accurate reading and that the oil level indicator must be firmly seated in the tube prior to taking the reading.
7. When the subsequent indicator readings demonstrate a full quart (liter) has been used, record the vehicle mileage. The mileage driven between the 2 readings should not be less than 1,500 miles. The drive cycle the vehicle has been operated under must be considered when making this calculation. It may be necessary to have the customer bring the vehicle in for a periodic oil level indicator reading to closely monitor oil usage.
Post Checks, Evaluation and Corrective Action
1. If test results indicate excessive oil consumption, carry out a cylinder compression test. Compression Test The cylinder compression test should be carried out with a fully charged battery and all spark plugs removed. See the Compression Test Chart for pressure range limits. Compression Test
2. Compression should be consistent across all cylinders. For additional information, refer to the Compression Testing. Compression Test If compression tested within the specifications found in this information, the excessive oil consumption may be due to wear on the valve guides, valves or valve seals.
3. A cylinder leak detection test can be carried out using an Engine Cylinder Leak Detection/Air Pressurization Kit. This can help identify valves, piston rings, or worn valve guides/valve stems, inoperative valve stem seals or other related areas as the source of oil consumption.
NOTE: An oil-soaked appearance on the porcelain tips of the spark plugs also indicates excessive oil use. A typical engine with normal oil consumption will exhibit a light tan to brown appearance. See Spark Plug Analysis for details. A single or adjoining, multiple cylinder leak can be traced by viewing the tips.
4. If an internal engine part is isolated as the root cause, determine if the repair will exceed cost limits and proceed with a repair strategy as required.
5. Once corrective action to engine is complete and verifying that all pre-check items were eliminated in the original diagnosis, repeat the Oil Consumption Test as described above and verify consumption results.