Wheel Bearing and Wheel HubMaterial:
Removal and Installation
CAUTION: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure can result in major service expense. A new part with the same part number must be installed if installation is necessary. Do not use a new part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
1. Remove the wheel knuckle.
2. CAUTION: The wheel bearing and hub is not pressed into the knuckle. Do not use a slide hammer or strike the inner race of the bearing. Damage to the bearing can result.
NOTE: If necessary, lubricate the knuckle and bearing with lubricant meeting Ford specification.
Remove and discard the 4 wheel bearing and hub bolts, then separate the wheel bearing and hub from the wheel knuckle.
^ To install, tighten to 110 Nm (81 ft. lbs.).
3. CAUTION: The wheel knuckle bore must be clean enough to allow the wheel bearing and hub to seat completely by hand.
Do not press or draw the wheel hub and bearing into place.
Clean and inspect the knuckle bearing bore. If the wheel knuckle is cracked, install a new wheel knuckle.
4. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
^ Lubricate the hub-to-brake disc surface with anti-seize lubricant before installing the brake disc.