Water Pump: Service and Repair
Coolant Pump - 2.3L
Removal and Installation
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. Drain the cooling system. For additional information, refer to Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding.
3. Loosen the 3 coolant pump pulley bolts.
4. Remove the accessory drive belt.
5. Remove the 3 bolts and the coolant pump pulley.
- To install, tighten to 20 Nm (177 lb-in).
6. NOTICE: Make sure the coolant pump is correctly seated to the engine block before installing and tightening the fasteners, or damage to the coolant pump may occur.
Remove the 3 bolts and the coolant pump.
- Remove and discard the O-ring seal.
- To install, tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
7. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- Lubricate the O-ring seal with clean engine coolant.
8. Fill and bleed the cooling system. For additional information, refer to Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding.