Timing Component Alignment Marks: Locations
NOTICE: Do not loosen or remove the crankshaft pulley bolt without first installing the special tools as instructed in this procedure. The crankshaft pulley and the crankshaft timing sprocket are not keyed to the crankshaft. The crankshaft, the crankshaft sprocket and the pulley are fitted together by friction, using diamond washers between the flange faces on each part. For that reason, the crankshaft sprocket is also unfastened if the pulley bolt is loosened. Before any repair requiring loosening or removal of the crankshaft pulley bolt, the crankshaft and camshafts must be locked in place by the special service tools, otherwise severe engine damage can occur.
NOTICE: Failure to position the No. 1 piston at Top Dead Center (TDC) can result in damage to the engine. Turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation only.
Turn the crankshaft clockwise to position the No. 1 piston at Top Dead Center (TDC).
Remove the engine plug bolt.
NOTE: The Crankshaft TDC Timing Peg will contact the crankshaft and prevent it from turning past TDC. However, the crankshaft can still be rotated in the counterclockwise direction. The crankshaft must remain at the TDC position until the timing drive components and crankshaft pulley are installed.
Install the Crankshaft TDC Timing Peg.
NOTE: Install a new crankshaft sprocket diamond washer on both sides of the crankshaft sprocket.
Install the crankshaft sprocket and new crankshaft sprocket diamond washers.
- The crankshaft sprocket flange must be facing away from the engine block.
Install the oil pump drive chain, sprocket and bolt.
NOTICE: The Camshaft Alignment Plate is for camshaft alignment only. Using this tool to prevent engine rotation can result in engine damage.
Install the Camshaft Alignment Plate in the slots on the rear of both camshafts.
Install the camshaft sprockets and the bolts.
Install the timing chain.
28. Install the timing chain tensioner arm.