Part 3
Disassembly (Steps 79-125)
79. Remove the accessory drive belt tensioner and the 2 idler pulleys.
80. Using the Strap Wrench, remove the crankshaft pulley bolt.
81. Using the 3-Jaw Puller, remove the crankshaft pulley.
82. Using the Oil Seal Remover, remove and discard the crankshaft front seal.
83. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other abrasive means to clean the sealing surface. These tools cause scratches and gouges, which make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool to remove all traces of sealant.
Remove the 16 bolts and the engine front cover.
^ Discard the gaskets.
84. CAUTION: This pulse wheel is used in several different engines. Install the pulse wheel with the keyway in the slot stamped "30" or "30RFF" (orange in color).
Remove the ignition pulse wheel.
85. Install the crankshaft pulley bolt and washer.
86. Remove the 6 spark plugs
87. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise to position the crankshaft keyway in the 11 o'clock position and position the camshafts in the correct position. This will position the No. 1 cylinder at top dead center (TDC).
^ Verify that the camshafts are correctly located. If not, rotate the crankshaft one additional turn and recheck.
88. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise 120 degrees to the 3 o'clock position to position the RH camshafts in the neutral position.
89. Verify that the RH camshafts are in the neutral position.
90. Remove the RH timing chain tensioner arm.
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the tensioner.
3 Remove the tensioner arm.
91. Remove the RH timing chain.
92. Remove the 3 bolts and the RH VCT assembly.
93. Rotate the crankcase clockwise 600 degrees (1-2/3 turns) to position the crankcase keyway in the 11 o'clock position. This will position the LH camshafts in the neutral position.
94. Verify the LH camshafts are in the NEUTRAL position.
95. Remove the LH timing chain tensioner and tensioner arm.
1 Remove the bolts.
2 Remove the tensioner.
3 Remove the tensioner arm.
96. Remove the LH timing chain.
97. Remove the 4 bolts and the LH VCT assembly.
98. Remove the pulley bolt, washer and the crankshaft sprocket.
99. Remove the 4 bolts in the sequence shown.
^ Remove the oil pump.
100. Remove the crankshaft key.
101. CAUTION: To make sure of correct sealing, do not scratch the camshaft.
Using the special tools, remove the camshaft oil seal and discard.
102. Remove the 2 bolts and the camshaft oil seal retainer
^ Discard the press-in-place gasket.
103. CAUTION: The camshafts must be in the neutral position before removing the bearing caps.
Verify the camshafts are in the neutral position.
104. CAUTION: Do not allow the camshaft to rotate from the neutral position while removing the variable camshaft timing (VCT) actuator.
NOTE: Install a 3/8-inch ratchet and extension into the D-slot on the rear of the intake camshaft to hold the camshaft in place for removal of the VCT actuator bolt.
Remove the bolt and the VCT actuator.
105. CAUTION: Cylinder head camshaft bearing caps must be assembled in their original positions. Some engines have factory markings on the camshaft bearing caps (as shown in illustration). Engines that do not have the factory markings must be marked for correct position and orientation prior to removal. Failure to install the camshaft bearing caps in their original position may result in severe engine damage.
If necessary, mark the camshaft bearing cap position and orientation as shown in the illustration.
106. CAUTION: After loosening all of the camshaft bearing cap bolts, remove the camshaft bearing thrust caps (1L and 6L) first, or damage to the thrust caps may occur.
NOTE: Make sure the camshaft bearing caps are marked as instructed in the previous step.
Loosen the bolts evenly in the sequence shown.
1 Remove the camshaft bearing thrust caps (1L and 6L).
2 Remove the remaining camshaft bearing caps.
3 Remove the camshafts from the cylinder head.
107. CAUTION: The camshafts must be in the neutral position before removing the bearing caps or damage to the engine may occur.
Verify the camshaft are in the neutral position.
108. CAUTION: Do not allow the camshaft to rotate from the neutral position while removing the variable camshaft timing (VCT) actuator.
NOTE: Install a 3/8-inch ratchet and extension into the D-slot on the rear of the intake camshaft to hold the camshaft in place for removal of the VCT actuator bolt.
Remove the bolt and the variable camshaft timing (VCT) actuator.
109. CAUTION: Cylinder head camshaft bearing caps must be assembled in their original positions. Some engines have factory markings on the camshaft bearing caps (as shown in illustration). Engines that do not have the factory markings must be marked for correct position and orientation prior to removal. Failure to install the camshaft bearing caps in their original position may result in severe engine damage.
If necessary, mark the camshaft bearing position and orientation as shown in the illustration.
110. CAUTION: After loosening all of the camshaft bearing cap bolts, remove the camshaft bearing thrust caps (5R and 1R) first, of damage to the thrust caps may occur.
NOTE: Make sure the camshaft bearing caps are marked as instructed in the previous step.
Loosen the bolts evenly in the sequence shown.
1. Remove the camshaft bearing thrust caps (5R and 1R)
2. Remove the remaining camshaft bearing caps.
3. Remove the camshafts from the cylinder head.
111. CAUTION: The camshaft roller followers must be installed in their original positions.
NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.
NOTE: Mark the location of the roller followers, using a permanent-type marker.
Remove the LH and RH camshaft roller followers.
112. NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.
Loosen the 8 bolts in the indicated sequence and remove the LH and RH cylinder heads.
^ Discard the bolts and the gaskets.
113. CAUTION: Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces. These tools cause scratches and gouges that make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool to remove all traces of the head gasket.
CAUTION: Observe all warnings or cautions and follow all application directions contained on the packaging of the silicone gasket remover and the metal surface prep.
NOTE: If there is no residual gasket material present, metal surface prep can be used to clean and prepare the surfaces.
Clean the cylinder head-to-cylinder block mating surface of both the cylinder head and the cylinder block.
1 Remove any large deposits of silicone or gasket material with a plastic scraper.
2 Apply silicone gasket remover, following package directions, and allow to set for several minutes.
3 Remove the silicone gasket remover with a plastic scraper. A second application of silicone gasket remover may be required if residual traces of silicone or gasket material remain.
4 Apply metal surface prep, following package directions, to remove any traces of oil or coolant, and to prepare the surfaces to bond with the new gasket. Do not attempt to make the metal shiny. Some staining of the metal surfaces is normal.
114. Support the cylinder head on a bench with the head gasket side up.
115. Remove the bolts and the oil separator cover.
^ Discard the gasket.
116. Before removing the pistons, inspect the top of the cylinder bores. If necessary, remove the ridge or carbon deposits from each cylinder using an abrasive pad or equivalent, following manufacturer's instructions.
117. NOTE: Clearly mark the position and orientation of the pistons, connecting rods, connecting rod caps and connecting rod bearings for assembly.
Remove the connecting rod cap bolts and cap.
^ Discard the connecting rod cap bolts.
118. CAUTION: Do not scratch the cylinder walls or crankshaft journals with the connecting rod.
Using the Connecting Rod Installer, remove the piston/rod assembly from the engine block.
^ Repeat these 2 steps until all the piston/rod assemblies are removed from the engine block.
119. Remove the engine block from the stand and place on a workbench.
120. Remove the bolts and studs in the indicated sequence.
^ Discard the lower cylinder block bolts.
^ Remove the lower cylinder block.
121. Remove the crankshaft rear main seal.
^ Remove the crankshaft.
122. Remove the crankshaft thrust bearing from the cylinder block.
123. NOTE: If the main bearings are being reused. mark them for correct position and orientation for reassembly.
Remove the bearings from the lower cylinder block.
124. NOTE: If the main bearings are being reused, mark them for correct position and orientation for reassembly.
Remove the crankshaft main bearings from the cylinder block.
125. Inspect the cylinder block, lower cylinder block, pistons and connecting rods.