Part 2
56. Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise 120 degrees to TDC.
57. CAUTION: Failure to verify correct timing drive component alignment will result in severe engine damage.
Verify the timing with the following steps.
1 There should be 12 chain links between the camshaft timing marks.
2 There should be 27 chain links between the camshaft and the crankshaft timing marks.
3 There should be 30 chain links between the camshaft and the crankshaft timing marks.
58. Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt and washer.
59. NOTE: This pulse wheel is used in several different engines. Install the pulse wheel with the keyway in the slot stamped 30RFF only (orange in color).
Install the ignition pulse wheel.
60. Install 3 new gaskets in the front cover.
61. NOTE: Clean the sealing surfaces with metal surface prep before applying gasket and sealant.
NOTE: The front cover must be installed and the bolts tightened within 4 minutes of sealant application.
Apply a 6 mm (0.23 inch) dot of silicone gasket and sealant to the cylinder block to lower cylinder block and cylinder head mating surfaces.
62. NOTE: Fasteners 1 and 13 are stud bolts.
Position the engine front cover and install the 14 bolts and 2 stud bolts.
^ Tighten in the sequence shown to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
63. Apply clean engine oil to the seal lip and seal bore before installing the seal.
64. Using the special tools, install a new crankshaft front seal.
65. NOTE: Clean the keyway and slot using metal surface prep before applying silicone gasket and sealant.
NOTE: The crankshaft pulley must be installed and the bolt tightened within 4 minutes of applying the silicone gasket and sealer.
Apply silicone gasket and sealant to the end of the keyway slot.
66. NOTE: Lubricate the outside diameter sealing surfaces with clean engine oil.
Using the special tool, install the crankshaft pulley.
67. Install the bolt and washer. Using the special tool to hold the crankshaft pulley, tighten the bolt in 4 stages:
^ Stage 1: Tighten to 120 Nm (89 lb-ft).
^ Stage 2: Loosen one full turn.
^ Stage 3: Tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb-ft).
^ Stage 4: Tighten an additional 90 degrees.
68. Install the accessory drive belt tensioner and the 2 idler pulleys.
^ Tighten the tensioner bolt to 45 Nm (33 lb-ft).
^ Tighten the idler pulley bolts to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
69. Instal the oil pan baffle and the 8 nuts.
^ Tighten the oil pan baffle nuts in 2 stages.
^ Stage 1: Tighten the 4 smaller nuts to 5 Nm (44 lb-inch) and the larger nuts to 15 Nm (11 lb-ft).
^ Stage 2: Tighten all 8 nuts an additional 45 degrees.
70. Install a new O-ring seal on the oil pump screen and pickup tube.
^ Lubricate with clean engine oil.
71. Install the oil pump screen and pickup tube and the 2 bolts.
^ Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch).
72. CAUTION: Only use hand tools when removing or installing the spark plugs, damage can occur to the cylinder head or spark plug.
Install the LH and RH spark plugs.
^ Tighten to 15 Nm (11 lb-ft).
73. Install the new gasket in the LH valve cover in the following sequence.
1. Install the gasket at waffle pads and then the corners.
2. Install the gasket around bolt holes.
3. Install the remaining part of the gasket.
74. NOTE: The valve cover must be installed and the bolts and stud bolts tightened within 4 minutes of sealant application.
Apply a an 8 mm (0.31 inch) dot of silicone gasket sealant to the front cover-to-cylinder head joints and the cam seal retainer-to-cylinder head joints.
75. Position the LH valve cover and install the bolts and stud bolts.
^ Tighten in the sequence shown to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch).
76. NOTE: Apply a light film of silicone brake caliper grease and dielectric compound to the interior of the spark plug boot prior to installation.
Install the 3 LH coil-on-plug assemblies and the 3 bolts.
^ Tighten to 7 Nm (62 lb-inch).
77. Install the new gasket in the RH valve cover in the following sequence.
1. Install the gasket at waffle pads and then the corners.
2. Install the gasket around bolt holes.
3. Install the remaining part of the gasket.
78. NOTE: The valve cover must be installed and the bolts and stud bolts tightened within 4 minutes of sealant application.
Apply an 8 mm (0.31 inch) dot of silicone gasket sealant to the front cover-to-cylinder head joints.
79. Position the RH valve cover and install the bolts and stud bolts.
^ Tighten in the sequence shown to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch).
80. NOTE: Apply a light film of silicone brake caliper grease and dielectric compound to the interior of the spark plug boot prior to installation.
Install the 3 RH coil-on-plug assemblies and the 3 bolts.
^ Tighten to 7 Nm (62 lb-inch).
81. If equipped, install the block heater.
^ Tighten to 41 Nm (30 lb-ft).
82. NOTE: Apply thread sealant with PTFE to the engine oil pressure (EOP) switch threads.
Install the EOP switch.
^ Tighten to 14 Nm (10 lb-ft).
83. Install the knock sensor (KS) and the bolt.
^ Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb-ft).
84. Install the coolant pump and the 3 bolts.
^ Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch) then rotate 90 degrees.
85. CAUTION: Failure to use the correct special tools, assembled as shown in the illustration, will result in damage to the coolant pump pulley and/or special tools.
Install the special tool on the camshaft as shown in the illustration.
^ Adjust the collar on the special tool screw to get the best thread engagement in the rear of the camshaft.
86. CAUTION: Failure to use the correct special tools, assembled as shown in the illustration, will result in damage to the coolant pump pulley and/or special tools.
NOTE: Only the roller collared nut from the Power Steering Pump Pulley Installer (211-185) is used on the Camshaft Pulley Installer (303-458).
Position the coolant pump pulley over the previously installed special tool and on the end of the camshaft. Install the special tools as shown in the illustration.
^ Using the special tools, install the coolant pump pulley flush with the end of the camshaft.
87. Install the coolant pump belt on the coolant pump pulley and position it on the coolant pump drive pulley.
88. CAUTION: Do not use any screwdrivers, pliers or other metal objects that could cause damage to the belt or pulley while installing the belt.
Rotate the crankshaft clockwise to seat the coolant pump belt on the coolant pump drive belt pulley.
89. Connect the coolant pump hose to the cylinder block outlet.
90. NOTE: Lubricate the new O-ring seals with clean engine coolant.
Install new O-ring seals, the bypass tube, bolt and stud bolt.
^ Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch).
91. Install the thermostat housing.
92. NOTE: Clean and inspect all sealing surfaces. Install new gaskets.
Position the lower intake manifold and install the 8 bolts.
^ Tighten in the sequence shown to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch).
93. Install a new O-ring on the oil level indicator tube. Apply clean engine oil to the O-ring.
94. Position the oil level indicator and tube and install the stud bolt.
^ Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-inch).
95. Install the LH catalytic converter bracket and the 2 bolts.
^ Tighten to 35 Nm (26 lb-ft).
96. Install 6 new RH catalytic converter studs.
^ Tighten to 12 Nm (9 lb-ft).
All wheel drive (AWD) engines
97. Install a new gasket, the RH exhaust manifold and 6 new nuts.
^ Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb-ft) in the sequence shown.
Front wheel drive (FWD) engines
98. Install a new gasket, the RH catalytic converter and 6 new nuts.
^ Tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb-ft) in the sequence shown.
All engines
99. Install the A/C compressor bracket and the 3 bolts.
^ Tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
100. Install the A/C compressor and the 3 bolts.
^ Tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
101. Install the generator and the 3 bolts.
^ Tighten to 48 Nm (35 lb-ft).
102. Position the wiring harness onto the engine.
103. Attach the wiring harness to the cylinder block.
104. Install the wiring harness retainer bolt.
^ Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-inch).