Selector Lever Cable Adjustment
Selector Lever Cable Adjustment
1. WARNING: Shut off the electrical power to the air suspension system prior to hoisting or jacking an air suspension equipped vehicle. Failure to do so may result in unexpected inflation or deflation of the air springs, which may result in shifting of the vehicle during these operations. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.
If equipped, turn the air suspension switch to the OFF position.
2. WARNING: Before servicing a vehicle equipped with a fire suppression system, depower the system by following the procedure in Vehicle Jacking and Lifting. Failure to follow the instructions may result in serious personal injury.
With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Vehicle Jacking and Lifting.
3. Place the selector lever in the (D) position.
4. Hang a 1.4 kg (3 lb) weight on the selector lever.
5. Remove the nut, and disconnect the selector lever cable from the manual control lever.
6. Position the manual control lever in the (D) position.
1. Pull the manual control lever forward until travel stops.
2. Push the manual control lever backward 2 detents to the (D) position.
7. Connect the selector lever cable to the manual control lever, and install the nut.
- Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).
8. Remove the 1.4 kg (3 lb) weight.
9. Move the selector lever from detent to detent and compare it with the transmission setting. Verify that the engine will start in PARK and NEUTRAL and that the reversing lamps illuminate in REVERSE. If not, repeat the adjustment procedure.
10. Check that the Transmission Range (TR) sensor adjustment is correct. For additional information, refer to Automatic Transmission/Transaxle &/or Transmission Control Systems. Adjust the TR sensor if necessary.
11. After completing all adjustments, and with the vehicle on the ground, turn on the electrical power to the air suspension, if equipped.
12. WARNING: If the vehicle is equipped with a fire suppression system, repower the system. For important safety warnings and procedures, refer to Vehicle Jacking and Lifting. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.
If equipped with a fire suppression system, repower the system. For additional information, refer to Vehicle Jacking and Lifting, Fire Suppression System Depowering and Repowering.