Cylinder Head - LH
Cylinder Head - LH
Special Tools and Materials
LH Cylinder Head
Exploded View
Upper Radiator Support Brackets
NOTICE: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material (including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces) that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan may cause engine failure.
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. Vehicle Lifting
2. Remove the lower intake manifold. Intake Manifold
3. Remove the LH exhaust manifold. Exhaust Manifold
4. Remove the coolant pump housing. Water Pump
5. Remove the timing drive components. Timing Components
6. NOTICE: Failure to use the correct special tools, assembled as shown in the illustration, will result in damage to the coolant pump pulley and/or special tools.
Using the Water Pump Pulley Plate, Water Pump Shaft Protector and the Crankshaft Vibration Damper Remover, remove the coolant pump pulley.
7. NOTICE: Do not scratch the camshaft sealing surface while removing the camshaft oil seal. If scratched, camshaft oil seal leakage may occur.
Using the Oil Seal Remover remove and discard the camshaft oil seal.
8. Remove the 2 bolts and the camshaft oil seal retainer.
- Discard the press-in-place gasket.
9. NOTICE: The camshafts must be in the neutral position before removing the bearing caps or damage to the engine may occur.
Verify the LH camshafts are in the neutral position.
10. NOTICE: Do not allow the camshaft to rotate from the neutral position while removing the camshaft phaser and sprocket or damage to the engine may occur.
NOTE: Install a 3/8-in ratchet and extension into the D-slot on the rear of the intake camshaft to hold the camshaft in place for removal of the camshaft phaser and sprocket bolts.
Remove the 3 bolts and the LH camshaft phaser and sprocket.
11. NOTICE: Cylinder head camshaft bearing caps must be assembled in their original positions. Some engines have factory markings on the camshaft bearing caps (as shown in illustration). Engines that do not have the factory markings must be marked for correct position and orientation prior to removal. Failure to install the camshaft bearing caps in their original positions may result in severe engine damage.
If necessary, mark the camshaft bearing cap position and orientation as shown in the illustration.
NOTE: Make sure the camshaft bearing caps are marked as instructed in the previous step.
12. NOTICE: After loosening the camshaft bearing cap bolts, remove the camshaft bearing thrust caps (1L and 5L) first, or damage to the thrust caps may occur.
NOTE: Make sure the camshaft bearing caps are marked as instructed in the previous step.
Loosen the bolts evenly in the sequence shown.
1. Remove the camshaft bearing thrust caps (1L and 5L).
2. Remove the remaining camshaft bearing caps.
3. Remove the camshafts from the cylinder head.
13. NOTICE: The camshaft roller followers must be installed in their original positions. If not reassembled in their original positions, severe engine damage may occur.
Remove the camshaft roller followers.
14. NOTICE: The hydraulic lash adjusters must be installed in their original positions. If not reassembled in their original positions, severe engine damage may occur.
Remove the hydraulic lash adjusters.
15. Remove the 4 upper radiator support bracket bolts.
16. Remove the oil level indicator.
17. Remove the stud bolt and then remove the oil level indicator tube by guiding it between the radiator support and the cooling fan.
- Remove and discard the O-ring seal.
18. NOTE: New cylinder head bolts must be installed. They are a torque-to-yield design and cannot be reused.
Remove the bolts in the sequence shown.
19. NOTICE: Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces. These tools cause scratches and gouges which make leak paths.
Clean the cylinder head gasket surfaces with a plastic scraping tool and metal surface prep.
20. Support the cylinder head on a bench with the head gasket side up. Check the cylinder head distortion and the cylinder block distortion. For additional information, refer to Engine System - General Information and .
1. Position a new gasket and the cylinder head.
2. NOTE: New cylinder head bolts must be installed. They are a torque-to-yield design and cannot be reused.
Install the bolts and tighten in 6 stages in the sequence shown.
- Stage 1: Tighten to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).
- Stage 2: Tighten 90 degrees.
- Stage 3: Loosen one full turn.
- Stage 4: Tighten to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).
- Stage 5: Tighten 90 degrees.
- Stage 6: Tighten 90 degrees.
3. NOTE: Installation of the oil level indicator may require the assistance of a second technician to align the tube with the orifice.
NOTE: Install a new O-ring seal and lubricate with clean engine oil.
Guide the oil level indicator tube between the radiator support and the cooling fan and install it in the orifice, install the stud bolt.
- To install, tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
4. Install the oil level indicator.
5. Install the 4 upper radiator support bracket bolts.
- Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
6. NOTICE: The hydraulic lash adjusters must be installed in their original positions. If not reassembled in their original positions, severe engine damage may occur.
Install the hydraulic lash adjusters.
- Lubricate the hydraulic lash adjusters with clean engine oil.
7. NOTICE: The camshaft roller followers must be installed in their original positions. If not reassembled in their original positions, severe engine damage may occur.
Install the camshaft roller followers.
- Lubricate the camshaft roller followers with clean engine oil.
8. Position the camshaft phaser and sprocket onto the intake camshaft.
- Install the 3 bolts finger-tight.
9. Lubricate the LH camshafts with clean engine oil and carefully position the camshafts onto the cylinder head.
- Align the LH camshafts as shown.
10. NOTICE: Cylinder head camshaft journal caps and cylinder heads are numbered to verify that they are assembled in their original positions. If not reassembled in their original positions, severe engine damage may occur.
NOTICE: Do not install the camshaft journal thrust caps until all of the camshaft bearing caps have been installed or damage to the thrust caps can occur.
Lubricate the bearing surfaces of the LH camshaft bearing caps with clean engine oil and install the bearing caps.
- Loosely install the bolts.
11. Lubricate the bearing surface of the LH exhaust camshaft bearing thrust caps with clean engine oil and install the bearing thrust caps.
- Loosely install the bolts.
12. NOTE: Make sure to tighten the camshaft bearing cap bolts in sequence in 2 stages.
Tighten the LH exhaust camshaft bearing cap bolts in the sequence shown in 2 stages.
- Stage 1: Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
- Stage 2: Individually loosen and then tighten each camshaft bearing cap to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
13. NOTICE: Do not allow the camshaft to rotate from the neutral position while tightening the camshaft phaser and sprocket bolts or damage to the engine may occur.
NOTE: Install a 3/8-in ratchet and extension into the D-slot on the rear of the intake camshaft to hold the camshaft in place for tightening of the camshaft phaser and sprocket bolts.
Tighten the 3 LH camshaft phaser and sprocket bolts to 18 Nm (159 lb-in).
14. NOTE: Clean the sealing surfaces with metal surface prep before installing a new press-in-place gasket.
Install the camshaft oil seal retainer and the 2 bolts.
- Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
15. NOTE: Lubricate the camshaft oil seal with clean engine oil.
Using the Camshaft Oil Seal Installer, Camshaft Oil Seal Protector and the Power Steering Pump Pulley Installer, install the camshaft oil seal.
16. NOTICE: Failure to use the correct special tools, assembled as shown in the illustration, will result in damage to the coolant pump pulley and/or special tools.
Install the Camshaft Pulley Installer in the camshaft as shown in the illustration.
- Adjust the collar on the Camshaft Pulley Installer screw to get the best thread engagement in the rear of the camshaft.
17. NOTICE: Failure to use the correct special tools, assembled as shown in the illustration, will result in damage to the coolant pump pulley and/or special tools.
NOTE: Only the roller collared nut from the Power Steering Pump Pulley Installer (211-185) is used on Camshaft Pulley Installer (303-458).
Position the coolant pump pulley over the previously installed Camshaft Pulley Installer and on the end of the camshaft. Install the Camshaft Pulley Installer, Power Steering Pump Pulley Installer and the Water Pump Pulley Spacer as shown in the illustration.
- Using the Camshaft Pulley Installer, Power Steering Pump Pulley Installer and the Water Pump Pulley Spacer, install a new service coolant pump pulley flush with the end of the camshaft.
18. Install the timing drive components. For additional information, refer to Timing Drive Components Removal and Replacement.
19. Install the coolant pump housing. For additional information, refer to Engine Cooling Coolant Pump Housing.
20. Install the LH catalytic converter. For additional information, refer to Exhaust System Service and Repair.
21. Install the lower intake manifold. For additional information, refer to Lower Intake Manifold Lower Intake Manifold.